>>27907237>only 80 hoursBut I'll give you a hint if you want to find some - pick a route/location to grind in and just keep retracing your same path through the grass/water/cave floor/whatever. The chances of finding a shiny depend on the game's random number generator, so anything you can do to make the game less random will reduce the number of possible options it can come up with, increasing your chances of finding a shiny. Even moreso if you only ever hunt/grind/etc. along the exact same path in the exact same place.
Put it this way - if there were, in theory, a route where you could catch all 721 currently available Pokemon, it would take decades to find a shiny. But in a similar place with no moving NPCs, only three Pokemon, and where you could just walk or bike left to right (why Friend Safari's shiny rate is higher) you'll have better chances than the standard 1/8192 you have in Soul Silver.
So if you're trying to find a shiny, look for an area with few types of Pokemon - and preferably few NPCs - and just keep going up/down or left/right in a straight line over and over again until you find what you're looking for.
I played longer than 80 hours, closer to 100 I want to say, but once I started seriously trying to level up and EV train things on Heart Gold it didn't take long to find a shiny Caterpie, shiny Dustox, shiny Tangela, shiny Metagross, shiny Gliscor, shiny Misdreavus, shiny Larvitar, shiny Dunsparce, shiny Ariados, two shiny Steelix within five minutes of each other, shiny Arbok, shiny Donphan, shiny Magneton, shiny Trapinch (or Vibrava, whichever was in the Safari Zone), shiny Buneary, shiny Skorupi, shiny Unown, shiny Electabuzz, shiny Gible, shiny Koffing, and most recently a shiny Miltank. I found a few others too, but all of the ones I listed were from grinding for hours on the same route.
Expect to spend a few days at it though, as you're still only lowering the odds a fraction of the way. Some of those took me almost a month to find.