[165 / 31 / ?]
26KiB, 304x170, wtf i still won't vote for literally hitler omg.jpg
Quoted By: >>27919751 >>27919900 >>27919947 >>27919950 >>27919984 >>27920043 >>27920117 >>27920186 >>27920219 >>27920302 >>27920457 >>27920509 >>27920561 >>27920571 >>27921230 >>27921271 >>27921294 >>27921443 >>27921635 >>27921656 >>27922015 >>27922162 >>27923403 >>27924207 >>27926905
i'm afraid japan is becoming racist and homophobic again, i hope they didn't forget their country was allied with hitler and tributing more pokemon to hitler's reincarnation is a very poor taste and offensive move
first the blackface jynx, then anti semite kadabra, nazi salut registeel and now gumshoos, yungoos and a damn crabrawler
first the blackface jynx, then anti semite kadabra, nazi salut registeel and now gumshoos, yungoos and a damn crabrawler