First of all, people shitting on us who like Megas need to get their panty knot untangled. You guys bitch basically over five Megas cause oh "Kang is too powerful, oh Sceptile wasn't as good as it should have been." Get OVER yourselves, you narrow-minded fucks are so DESPERATE for them to be gone so it can be shit again. Did you forget how bad CHALK was and it only had one Mega? Did you forget how diverse 2014 was thanks to the LEGENDARIES not being available? REAL fans realize a lot of the fault lies on how good certain typings and legendaries are, and how Game Freak before Sun and Moon kept fucking up the Meta by having too overpowered counters to counters of other things. They also fucked up by not giving you shitheads what you want and you rather everyone be sad then just you fucks hoping that you'll get Mega-Whatever. Or it's the aesthetics and ruined your boyhood dreams of that Pokemon. The later doesn't even make sense but for like a small handful, kinda like how "OP" they are.
Really you guys are just also bitching because you can't use stupid shit anymore like Beat Up Terrakion, like you will when that god awful method of DV Smeargle + Storm Throw plus Anger Point Tauros is gone. You all rather watch the world burn even more than let us intelligent, patient fans have what we want: "shitmons" to become good again. Mega-Meganium, Flygon, Typholsion, Lanturn, Sunflora, whichever "low-tier" mons that didn't get a Mega and with your sick minds shouldn't.
Let me drop a little fucking observation. Wanna know why they haven't announced any new Megas? Wanna know why they announced fucking Crabrawler and that's it? IT'S FUCKING SO THEY DON'T DISTRACT THE FUCKS AT WORLDS CAUSE HALF THE LITTLE SHITS ARE YOU IDIOTS. Whining about how oh centralizing Megas are and oh how bad they are. You guys would all piss yourselves it Megas came back with new ones post game, and prob. they'll announce it in the next month or so matching up to XY's timeline.