Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Kimono Upskirt - Friend Safari - Vivillon Trading - Never Fucking Ever Multis - Friendship - Brojobs - Literally Anything
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it. Please know that /vp/ is dead as fuck until Sun & Moon release so you're unlikely to find any general with significant activity.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
Previous thread:
>meme OP without the pastebin Shit thread.
4124-6140-1085 (Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Fletchinder
4124-6140-1085 (Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Fletchinder Sun 21 Aug 2016 00:29:37 No. 27951323 Report I'm looking for water friend safaris, but I still have ~20 spaces for friends if anyone simply wants my safari. Reply to this post with your FC and I'll add you later tonight. I'm about to go make/eat dinner so I won't be online for a while.
>>27951234 Wren
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Is Anti here? Please respond senpai.
>>27951093 I'd like to get for S&M so I was wondering who the best pokemon are for each egg group.
If there was one that's in multiple to possibly cut down how many I need
Wren 5301-2979-4457
I'm looking for someone with X/Y to teach my shiny milotic scald and ice beam. Trip friends preferably.
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl]
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl] Sun 21 Aug 2016 01:00:26 No. 27951987 Report I'm looking for safaris with dark types, breloom, chansey, braixen, dusclops and metang.
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27951879 I'm willing if you'll help me evolve my karrablast into an excavilier Anonymous
>>27951323 Don't use that OP. It's literally being pushed by one autist and you're falling for it.
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27951987 Mine is dark type, sableye. Added you.
>>27952026 mind breeding a HA shelmet for me?
>>27951879 Do the Scald and Ice Beam tms not exist in ORAS?
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
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>>27952065 uhh yeah sure no problem, stand by should take a few minutes.
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>>27952070 They do, wren is just being an idiot
Wren 5301-2979-4457
>>27952070 >look at a list of TMs in ORAS >can't find scald >look up "scald tm oras" >find it O-oh.
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl]
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl] Sun 21 Aug 2016 01:06:55 No. 27952117 Report >>27952053 added and thanks
What's the chance of hatching a shiny from a regular mon and a Japanese shiny Ditto without charm?
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
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>>27952112 So you're good then?
>>27952136 Google it.
>>27952112 Retard.
>>27952117 Remove Safari from names, not a Safari thread.
>>27951323 Don't flood the thread with useless shit. Go and create a Safari thread for you and your newfriends to play around.
>>27952202 It literally took more time for you to say "google it" than it would have to tell me.
>>27952222 Congrats, I don't care. Please stop wasting my time asking me to reply your posts.
>>27952136 About 1/683 according to bulbapedia
>>27952252 Thank you, friend.
>>27952251 No one asked (you) to reply.
>>27952263 There you go again. Bravo.
Ignore the shitposter please
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>>27952282 Fuck off newfag.
>muh feelings are hurt11!! Anonymous
>>27952280 No one is forcing (you) to reply. We're both just enjoying the (you)s.
>>27952380 Then why are (you) still replying?
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>Try not to flood the thread with useless shit Well this thread is off to a great start. Anyone breeding anything interesting? How are you spending your NEET saturday night?
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl]
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl] Sun 21 Aug 2016 01:31:30 No. 27952576 Report Well this thread went to shit already
Just beat Pokemon x for the first time, haven't played since silver. Need friend safaris. Don't know what Pokemon I have in mine. Adds would be appreciated. Thanks.
>>27952413 Then why are (you) still replying?
>>27952544 Found the entitled newfag. Fuck off.
>>27952608 >>27952576 Go and make a new thread, nobody wants you here lil' newfags.
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>>27952659 Like I said, because I'm enjoying the (you)s, just like (you) are.
>>27952659 It says friend safari in OP's post
It's not like this thread was fabulous before I fucked it up with a reasonable request to trade friend safaris
>>27952712 >It says friend safari in OP's post >not ignoring the shitty newfag-made OP. Way to prove you are not shitposting the thread wih your existence.
>>27952763 >not ignoring the shitty newfag-made OP Oh I get it we're just shitposting my bad ill leave you to your sad existence in peace
>>27952763 >this mad You're shitting up the thread more than the other guy.
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl]
5129-4974-1333 [Octillery,Floatzel,Poliwhirl] Sun 21 Aug 2016 01:46:41 No. 27952862 Report I find all this entertaining
how has this thread already been worse than the last one even without sarah autism?
>>27953258 >without sarah autism? You did notice the OP, right?
>>27953278 yeah but there aren't 25 posts of her 'bullying' herself this time around
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>>27953292 Stop bullying Sarah.
>>27952202 >Don't flood the thread with useless shit. >Proceeds to flood the thread with bitching !ShinyDickY
>>27953475 Only 1 hour late, congrats.
>>27953512 >Make post earlier that says I'll be gone for a while >The best you can come up with is "you've been gone for a while" Don't you have anything better to do than get salty over nothing on the internet?
>>27953655 >Salty Nice projection
>>27953701 >projection I'm not the one who's spent the past 2 hours sitting around spewing insults at people. I'm just here for friend safaris, and as far as I'm concerned you're helping me out since this convo gives me reason to bump.
>>27953701 tripfags are so pathetic
>>27953794 >sitting Nice projection
>>27953807 Says the anonymous :^)
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 02:36:31 No. 27953831 Report >>27952659 >nobody wants you here lil' newfags. What about other newfags?
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anyone has quick feet teddiursas with perfect IVs?
>>27953823 >when your only source of social interaction is insulting people on a cantanese furry newsletter I'm so sorry for you.
>>27953831 Literally who? If you are not part of the secret club your existence is a waste of time.
It's funny that you expect us to care about the "newfag's club".
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>>27953867 >implying wew lads
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 02:40:32 No. 27953929 Report >>27953879 It's also funny that you expect anyone to care about the secret club. I only know about it because of the post you just made.
>>27953879 >newfag's club >newfag is club hahaha, oh wow
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>>27952040 Shut up, Sarah, the Tailsposter already has your IP address.
>>27953980 why are you so upset? I literally cannot stop laughing
>>27953929 Oh, no!1
>>27953988 >Le mad meme :^)
>>27954012 Basic human emotions aren't a meme tripbud, calling something a meme and spamming your ecks dees doesn't really do much either, just makes you look like a retard. Go back to 2010.
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>>27954071 >"calling something a meme and spamming your ecks dees doesn't really do much either, just makes you look like a retard." - Retard, 2016. Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 02:50:38 No. 27954126 Report >>27954012 Exactly. A sarcastic "Oh no!" is any sane person's reaction to this
>If you are not part of the secret club your existence is a waste of time. I really have to think hard about whether you can actually be serious, but I think you might be.
>>27953823 >Nice projection Nice salt. You're clearly sitting around crapping out posts as soon as the timer will allow.
It's nice that this is keeping the thread up, but in the interest of not flooding the thread with useless shit I'm going to start hiding your posts, I'm sure your autism will compel you to reply but I assure you it'll be hidden.
FC: 2535-3975-7862 Name: Ale
hey anyone got a HA poliwhirl? i really need one so i can get a drizzle politoed i dont really have anything to offer apart from random 4 iv pokemom though...
FC: 2535-3975-7862 Name: Ale
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>>27954145 fuck i meant pokemon, im typing from my phone sorry about that
>>27951725 >>27954031 For breeding purpose right ? Right here.
But why bother when you can have a 6 IV Ditto ? Calem 1177-8478-1778
>>27954145 I can get one for you pretty fast, I like random 4 iv pokes, what you want to give? Or, I'd be up for a politoed breedject when you get around to that.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 02:54:59 No. 27954198 Report >>27954144 Newfags seem to actually want to talk about the game, whereas you somehow discourage talking about it.
>>27952659 >>27952608 Who should leave? You decide!
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>27954145 I have a HA Poliwag.
Also reposting my list of breeding leftovers. Looking for anything shiny and legendaries that can't be found in ORAS
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>>27954198 >Who should leave? You decide! No need to decide, would be a shame if somebody dropped the banhammer on you :^)
>>27954186 This is exactly what I was looking for thanks
What does the egg cycle imply?
>>27954187 You're feeding shinydick, but at least his shitposting isn't community destroying like Sarah's. If you give him some (you)s and act like a decent human being, he'll be nice and pleasant.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>27954256 Number of cycles required to hatch the egg.
>>27954256 how many steps to hatch an egg
FC: 2535-3975-7862 Name: Ale
>>27954191 ok i just checked and theyre 6 iv and 5 iv mostly but theyre all more than lvl 1 i dont know if thats a problem
i have a 6 iv lvl 13 lotad, 5 iv charmeleon lvl 30, a shiny banette thats 4 iv, a 5 iv shuppet lvl 1, a 5 iv slakoth, a 6 iv lvl 1 goomy, a 5 ov lvl 18 charmander and a 5 iv scizor lvl 1
>>27954290 You're link gave me a virus :(.
Calem 1177-8478-1778
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>>27954256 [EggCycle] x 257 = Steps required to hatch
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>>27953292 Haha, how do you know there aren't people who just want to see him deal with the shit he made us put up with?
He's getting a taste of his own medicine haha.
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954314 See
>>27954218 and just grab one from them.
FC: 2535-3975-7862 Name: Ale
>>27954218 could i get one please? i have these pokemon
>>27954314 also fuck that post came out cluttered as hell
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>>27954297 >>27954299 That's what I thought but I never noticed with hatching o power 3
Anyone have a HA piloswine or at least a Friend Safari with Piloswine in it?
FC: 2535-3975-7862 Name: Ale
>>27954338 oh shit i can get it for free? thanks dude!!!
>>27954317 Sorry friend, it's meant for experienced 1337pr0 tripfag hackers and injectors. Your just collateral... Heh...
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>>27954342 Can I ask for that shiny Banette ? Adding you now
It's kinda weird seeing newfriends have to trade with each other and building up without help from regulars, but that's what you get when a certain someone makes everyone who has interesting mons and some spare time leave.
>>27954186 Would smeargle be added to this list considering sketch or is that just common sense?
>>27954390 Not as rude as you are cute :3c
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954358 Uh I would give it to you for free but Hikaru seems to want a shiny for it. Do you want me to go grab you one? Let me know.
>>27954408 >when a certain someone makes everyone who has interesting mons and some spare time leave. fucking lima.
>>27954437 Seymour pls go back to bed
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>>27954424 Well yeah, but you'll probably end up having multiple smeargle, and setting them up is somewhat of a bother.
You'll probably want to use other mons that you can make forget certain moves and then relearn to try and avoid having to resketch moves.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>27954444 Well it's up to you on whom you want to trade.
Can I still ask for that 6 IV Lotad ?
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So no one gonna add me?
>>27954469 Wrong trip, I actually contribute ever once in a while.
>>27954444 You could stop jewing each other so hard for a start.
Who wants to gift me a Level 1 Troakie with Protean :-) ?
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 03:11:15 No. 27954543 Report >>27954526 Okay, do you have a scatterbug?
>>27954526 Gee, if only embep were here :^)
>>27954543 >Collecting NA scatterbugs Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954349 I can breed you one in a few minutes, I wondertraded my last breedject.
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>>27954543 No :-( Got nothing good.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 03:13:24 No. 27954583 Report >>27954559 If I actually cared I would have asked about the pattern. I'm just doing a favour. Why is everyone so dumb today?
>>27954501 Cynthia?
>>27954543 I have native Pokeball scatterbugs, I will sell it to you for $10
>>27954571 Awesome thanks
FC: 4527 8141 2667
>>27954583 Then just ask for a shitmon bruh. Everyone with interesting shit is gone or just not bothering with helping due to the injectorfag.
>>27954594 Guess again :^)
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 03:14:32 No. 27954608 Report >>27954594 That's a shame, I only need sandstorm
Calem 1177-8478-1778
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Still have a Squirtle reserved for Lii (5000-6261-6393)
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954603 Need the name / ID associated with the FC too, senpai.
>>27954608 Damn, just found one. $50.
>>27954604 Kirzi <'3
Quoted By:
>>27954637 IGN: Alex
ID: Ravarkian
>>27954642 You're awful at this. I'll leave now. !ShinyDickY
>>27954655 I obviously know who you are, just messing around with you :3c
>>27954655 Embep
>>27954583 >Today The whole thread has been slowly going to shit due to the end of the gen and the efforts of Sarah. You're just here to see the shitstorm decompose.
>>27954699 Still wrong :^)
>>27954698 :3c obviously.
You'll never guess. Anonymous
>>27954732 >Still wrong :^) Then you're not important please leave
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 03:23:09 No. 27954752 Report >>27954712 I've had good experiences here on days other than this day
>>27954749 I never said I was.
>>27954752 Still nothing compared to how comfy the threads can get when you have a bunch of oldfags throwing MM rejects at everyone like it's Christmas.
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954603 Ah, fuck, bred the wrong one. Female with the HA and shit nature coming up, but you'll want to breed with the ice bear poke to get icicle crash.
>>27954768 >Still nothing compared to how comfy the threads can get when you have a bunch of oldfags throwing MM rejects at everyone like it's Christmas. Dammit you're making me miss Ramsey
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>>27954792 All good. Thanks for the help.
>>27954801 Hopefully the comfy will come back with SM, and Sarah will be removed.
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>>27954810 Do you think Sarah is worse than Seymour?
Kem[2165-9739-3162] !!KTXW4oOiyMh
Anyone have an Exeggcute, Hoppip, or Sunkern I could have? Need one so I can give bullet seed to things.
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>>27954732 >Not trusting me Rude
I bet you don't even love me anymore bby. Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27954939 I got an unhatched egg hoppip
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Anyone here got a HA Klink, preferably Adamant?
Kem[2165-9739-3162] !!KTXW4oOiyMh
>>27955016 Thanks so much!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>27954071 >>27954126 by the way for those wondering, the post in question was by !ShinyDickY, I'm not sure why he deleted this post, given the rest of them are just as retarded. Regardless, he seemed to want to deleted for a reason. What a faggot.
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>>27955736 >he seemed to want to deleted for a reason !ShinyDickY
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>>27955736 :^)
Deleted what?
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>>27955736 >by the way for those wondering no one was
>>27955725 Oh cool
How well did it's stats and ability come out?
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>>27951093 Anyone else having server issues
>>27956144 Relaxed xx/xx/31/xx/31/00 with Prankster
I blame Renegard for this. Anonymous
>>27956359 Relaxed? What for
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Quoted By:
>>27956393 Trick Room support I guess
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>>27956393 Going slow with something entirely different
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 05:34:56 No. 27956802 Report Quoted By:
Anyone need a female Alakazam for their living dex?
Rex 0147 0285 4166
Anybody have a steel type safari with Metang? Not sure what type I have, but I know it'll have 3 pokemon in it regardless.
Spacekataz 3669-0579-5551
>>27956909 Do you need the safari for Metangs or just a Beldum? I've got a couple of Adamant 5-6 IV Beldums if you need em.
Rex 0147 0285 4166
Quoted By:
>>27957146 Just the Metang, but I appreciate the offer.
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27957146 Just added you btw
Spacekataz 3669-0579-5551
>>27957228 Yeee likewise you can check out what I got if you want because I'm not super sure myself.
Rex 0147 0285 4166
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>>27957288 Daaamn, yours was Psychic. It's all good, I'll just keep lookin later.
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>27956359 >Slow U-Turn comfy. qt shone
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>27957555 Welcome back to the land of the living~
kind of_____________________ Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>battle spot singles >lost many times >almost win >connection error fuck this shit
anyone know which pokemon games still have internet access? I want to do a mystery egg run but I don't know if my only options are Y and omega ruby.
>>27959053 There's also X and AlphaSapphire
>>27959053 >>27959112 Summerfags go and stay go
>>27959112 I more meant that those are the pokemon games I have. I do know that X and alphasapphire are possibilities too. I just have been hearing a lot that the older gens (most recently omega ruby and alpha sapphire actually) are no longer going to have internet interactions so I wanted to know if there was any truth behind it.
>>27959132 chances are I have been on 4chan just as long as you have, I just don't come onto vp very often.
Someone have a male Pikachu (or Skitty or Girafarig or Fenneki ) with Wish for me? I wanna breed eevee and I heard if you use a different species it goes faster
>>27959173 If you're the same guy who was asking before, you could have done the entire breeding chain of togepi -> pikachu -> eevee by now if you weren't relying on someone to do it for you. If you don't have access to some part of the chain we can try to help..
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>>27959132 2006 was 10 years ago.
>>27959170 Only Gen VI has active online capabilities, older Gens died with Gamespy and Gamefreak not giving a shit.
I think there are some plans to kill the current global link (again) in October, but that shouldn't impact in-game trading and battlan.
>>27959173 You're a fucking idiot if you blindly believe things you get told on the internet.
>>27959282 Chainbreeding into field is not really smart, yo.
>>27959282 No no I'm shiny breeding and I need one with a Mon to breed faster and it goes faster with a foreign mon and a mon of a different species
Kaiette 0361-7538-8144
>>27959406 Oh, understood. I don't have any of those right now, but if you have an egg of the male, I can hatch it and trade the result back to you?
Alternatively I can get a pikachu with wish for you in around 15 minutes.
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>>27959506 Nvm I just learned that it's actually faster with same species
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Anyone got a spare Hoopa? I missed the event...
Anyone here able to help with a trade evolution?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:18:54 No. 27960559 Report >>27960337 Yes, I want to evolve a Swirlix, give me a minute to get a Whipped Dream. Friend code?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:21:00 No. 27960582 Report >>27960559 Got it. Also wanted to evolve a Pumpkaboo if that's alright.
Guy: 1762-2801-1123
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:27:05 No. 27960632 Report Quoted By:
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:29:19 No. 27960647 Report >>27960610 Power Gem on Slowking?
Guy: 1762-2801-1123
>>27960647 It's for dex purposes
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:33:41 No. 27960691 Report Quoted By:
>>27960664 Same for the swirlix
>>27960336 That guy is one of the biggest retards to ever post here, and taht's saying something
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:34:43 No. 27960703 Report Quoted By:
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>>27960693 Nah, Sarah still decided to drop his autism here.
>>27960693 I know, but I picked up the Meowth event and I was going to give his Smeargle Happy Hour out of the goodness of my heart.
>>27960982 You do you fampai, but it's like feeding a stray dog.
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>>27960996 I mean, it's not like it kills me or anything. And I already did that when I traded him one of my Diancies yesterday.
>purpose of using a name is to differentiate yourself from everyone else >I know, I'll call myself Ball Autist >That's unique and doesn't apply to anyone else in any way
What would you guys give for a smeargle that knows the ultra rare move happy hour?
Ball Autist !rQksrLvY2w
>>27961132 I'd do anything.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 12:24:46 No. 27961155 Report >>27961132 Would you like an arceus code?
Ball Autist !rQksrLvY2w
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>>27961150 I'll suck your dick for it even, please
>>27961060 Guess we need that pastebin back up, and actually ask people to read it.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 12:32:57 No. 27961255 Report >>27961155 Well, I just realised I can sketch it myself, so never mind
>>27961155 >>27961255 No one here has a Happy Hour Smeargle. Please read the thread before posting.
>>27961273 >No one here has a Happy Hour Smeargle. That's not strictly true
I have one but i'm not the guy offering it Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 12:38:49 No. 27961305 Report >>27961273 Even if I read the thread, I still could have had the same mental slip and thought I couldn't obtain it myself.
>>27961304 >>27961305 No one was offering one to begin with, we were making fun of Ball Autist.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 12:41:19 No. 27961326 Report Quoted By:
>>27961315 I'm glad that I have this information
0533 8243 5023 [Pansage, Petili, Gogoat]
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>>27961667 Yeah, can be Level 1, any ability (prefer Protean tho).
Code is 5172-4508-2296
Guy 1762-2801-1123
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Anyone have a spare Delibird? doesnt have to be decent IV wise, i just need one for my living dex.
Solana: 5300-9051-8710
Anyone got a mystery egg or two they wouldn't mind donating? Many thanks
Hello friends, got 5 shiny yveltal codes from work. Looking for Charizard/Dragonite/Mew/Kyurem/Bisharp. Any takers?
Nor 5155 4248 9130
Does anyone have a female HA Dream ball Glameow? I know it's a really specific request but I don't have access to my copy of white right now. I have tons of 5/6 iv leftovers if anyone would want anything in return.
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962597 are you looking for the shiny equivalent of Charizard/Dragonite/Mew/Kyurem/Bisharp. or just the mons?
i can get you charizard or dragonite (maybe bisharp if i can find him.
>>27962513 Do you only need two? I do have some ancient eggs I don't remember, so it's very mysterious.
>>27962628 Shiny would be nice mate but i dont really care if they arent
Solana: 5300-9051-8710
>>27962635 I mean, I'll take as many as you have, as long as they're not duplicates
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 14:37:32 No. 27962654 Report Quoted By:
>>27962597 Can give you a Bisharp. I assume you want it evolved?
Nor 5155 4248 9130
Quoted By:
>>27962597 I've got a Mew you can have mate
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962641 i have a bisharp, you want it on the GTS or you gonna drop a friendcode?
>>27962672 1392-8842-5753
You'll have to turn trade chat on cus i have to give you all the codes, can only mystery gift it myself once
anyone up for a 6v6 double battle? I really wanna test out a team I just bred up.
Guy 1762-2801-1123
Does anyone here have a HA Klink, Toxic Spikes Koffing, or HA Snivy?
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962761 i can breed up a HA snivy.
>>27962731 what kind of team it is
>>27962740 Nothings come up son
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962780 whats your IGN?
Quoted By:
>>27962740 Lemme jus restart ds
>>27962776 I got some 5IV mons still and some leftover Love ball Magikarps, Moon Gastly's, and Lure Horsea's still.
Quoted By:
Reminder that the shiny Yveltal and Xerneas codes are EU only. NA got those mons through WiFi.
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962843 i know it sounds stupid but,have you added me to your friends list?
>>27962651 I think I have more than 6, can't promise anything about the dupes though because mystery.
1564 2914 3214 if you want some.
>>27962876 Game chat on friendo, ill igve you an egg then message you the code
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962843 the option to voice chat didnt come up.
i found you in the passersby list, so that might be why?
Quoted By:
>>27962951 got skype? i'll just send it you on that
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27962933 you could always just send it to an email account which might be easier?
heres my throwaway:
[email protected] Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>27962989 Loool okay, sending it now then,
>>27962778 It's a rain team
Quoted By:
>>27962989 I'll propose, keeps crashing when you do
Solana: 5300-9051-8710
>>27962916 4 should do fine
Gimmie a minute to catch some shitmons for trading
>>27951093 Should I run Nuzzle over Twave since Nuzzle does damage and has a 100% parahax?
Guy 1762-2801-1123
Quoted By:
>>27962597 thanks for the shiny Yveltal, code worked fine, enjoy your bisharp
Quoted By:
finally got my shiny buneary, too bad it's not HA
>>27963126 I prefer nuzzle over Twave just because it can't be locked out of by taunt
Quoted By:
>>27963171 that's a really good point, yeah I'm sold on nuzzle.
Quoted By:
>>27963049 He meant what format, I think.
Guy 1762-2801-1123
Quoted By:
>>27962845 now that im free gonna get on breeding, any particular pref?
should i even bother with IV/s or are you just bothered about the ability?
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
3 shiny Yveltal codes left friends
Quoted By:
>>27963049 > Q6PW-WWWW-WW4N-B7PZ > BK2G-WWWW-WW4N-B7R9 > VE9G-WWWW-WW4N-B7S2 All in all I feel like the Pokemon themselves work, but I just need to get better items on them. Like a focus sash on my omastar.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:18:56 No. 27963323 Report >>27963253 For what purpose do you want the listed mons?
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963323 Just Pokemon that i like, No particular reason friend
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:22:13 No. 27963383 Report >>27963343 Can I give you a Dragonite for a code?
Also, isn't it possible to nickname a shitmon with the code?
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Quoted By:
>>27963343 Can I offer my Dragonite for that code ?
Holy fuck ok Wifi can I have your opinion about something I'm trying to breed a female mon with HA from HA Male & Ditto. Both parents are injections, one has destiny knot and one has everstone. 40 eggs later, no HA anywhere. Am I doing something wrong or just wildly unlucky?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:23:25 No. 27963408 Report >>27963389 What is the male poke?
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Quoted By:
>>27963383 Oops, beaten
>>27963389 Just plain unlucky I guess
Quoted By:
>>27963408 It's a shiny Smeargle
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963383 Yeah you can do friend. Gimme your email/skype so i can send it you and i'll just trade an egg for the dragonite
Guy 1762-2801-1123
Quoted By:
>>27963389 unlucky, but generally females are better at passing the ability
that being said im currently trying to get a female snivy with contrary from a male one
ive hatched 4 eggs, all male, all with contrary.
its just a luck of the draw.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:26:03 No. 27963484 Report >>27963441 I'd prefer if you do what I suggested, but if not possible I'll put an email address up.
Dave 2466-2254-4708
I'm looking for some people to add to my friends list to just battle random/periodically. 3v3 BSS is getting old, and challenging random Passerby to 6v6 is too unreliable. I play mostly OU but I have a reasonable amount of mons, down for anything.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963484 Oh yeah good idea
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
Quoted By:
>>27962625 I can breed you one, but i'm a bit busy today. If you are around regularly or don't mind lurking I'll have one for you in the next day or so.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:30:01 No. 27963560 Report >>27963505 You'll probably not be able to fit the code on one mon so I'll trade you some brejects as well.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963560 okay, well i can fit it on 2 so
>>27963484 >>27963505 Just use GPG!
>>27963105 Are you still here?
>>27963489 Just curious, how high is your rating in BS singles ?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:32:54 No. 27963620 Report >>27963586 Do you know when the code expires?
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963620 December 31st
castform > tentacool thats the code order
>>27963389 just ask for an injected HA female
Solana: 5300-9051-8710
>>27963607 I am
Sorry about the wait, online now
Had some stuff to do irl
>>27963253 What mons do you want?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Sun 21 Aug 2016 15:38:31 No. 27963739 Report >>27963678 Thanks! Enjoy the Dragonite, it has the Hidden Ability. You might be able to get Extreme Speed from the move reminder. I just had it in my living dex so it doesn't have perfect IVs, but it should have a few.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963713 Charizard/Kyurem/Mew/Goodra
>>27963739 Thanks very much frienderino, appriciate it
Dave 2466-2254-4708
>>27963610 I actually never play ranked. Honestly not sure why.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>27963764 Add me senpai, need more practice for the ranked battle
>>27963757 I have a Mew. The problem is that I got it in a trade, and though it's a legit event, it seems it was edited to be shiny. Is that all right? It goes through Battle Spot fine.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
Quoted By:
>>27963713 Need to trade 2, lemme just nickname them then propose again in like 2 minutes
Quoted By:
>>27963679 I did, I'm breeding in the meantime.
>>27963689 That's quite OK.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
Dave 2466-2254-4708
Solana: 5300-9051-8710
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27956909 Still lookin for that steel type safari with Metang. Anyone?
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27963798 thats fine, find me again and propose, need to trade 2 remember
>>27963968 So the mon is a 6IV EV trained shiny Bold Mew, and I'll trade a 5IV Sap Sipper Impish Miltank for the second part of the code. My FC is 5258-1030-1855, I added you.
Rex 0147 0285 4166
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
Just finished X and looking to add some friend safaris/see what safari I have help a smooth nigga out
Raven - 2836 0353 4830
Can I ask for a huge favour? I need someone to take my lvl30 Magneton to New Mauville and level it up once to turn it into a Magnezone. I'll give him a Rare Candy to hold. I'm breeding a team in-game and I only just remembered I won't be able to evolve my bro Magneton until after the whole Groudon thing near the end of the game, because I can't get access to New Mauville until then. I just want my bro on my team, you know? Much appreciated.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27964230 added back, propose when you're ready
>>27964284 I can help with that.
FC is up here
>>27962916 Anonymous
>>27964300 Did your internet hiccup or was it mine?
Raven - 2836 0353 4830
>>27964333 Added you, cheers man.
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27964429 Shit, did you get the Mew? Can you just tell me the second half on here?
Woohyeon 1392-8842-5753
>>27964459 yeah i got it, thanks friend. RW2GDXM8
Raven - 2836 0353 4830
>>27964333 >>27964379 Thanks again, much appreciated! And cheers for the Big Nugget as well
>>27964562 ~
Dark secret:
The evolution didn't happen in New Mauville. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>27964477 Thanks bro, always wanted Bacon Bird. Enjoy your blue Mew.
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27964252 bump for this
let me know if you're down to clown
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27964724 Add me breh I gotchoass
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27964789 Tight. What Safari do I have? Yours is a ghost one.
Quoted By:
>>27964596 You...betrayed my trust and evolved it in Kalos? And then paid me off with a Big Nugget like I'm some common whore? You astound me sir, and here I thought there were still some good people left in this world...
I don't care, as long as I've got my bro, thanks. SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27964824 Grass. You have Oddish and Petilil, but I can't see third until we're both online.
What pokes do I have?
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27964885 >I get a shit safari Go figure. But you've got Lampent and Pumpkaboo. Still searching for the 3rd mon.
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27965009 Are you online? The third one won't show up until we're both online at the same itme
MJ 3325-5937-2260
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27965039 I am. Your 3rd mon is drifblim.
Dave 2466-2254-4708
Elles 5301-3022-0698
>>27965083 sure man I'm down for a match or two I'm trying out a new doubles team but it still works for a singles
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27965089 Then why can't I get your 3rd poke yet? Am I doing something wrong?
>>27965126 >>27965128 Did you both beat the Pokémon League?
Guy 1762-2801-1123
Quoted By:
>>27965128 the player needs to complete the elite 4 in order to unlock the 3rd pokemon in their safari
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
Quoted By:
>>27965169 I have, yes. I thought that was the only way you could get to Kiloude City
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27965128 Is it just not showing up? It took me a while to run into your 3rd mon. I know for a fact we've both beaten the game too so I'm not sure why it wouldn't appear for you.
Elles 5301-3022-0698
Quoted By:
>>27965169 I did but I don't think you meant this for me
MJ 3325-5937-2260
Quoted By:
>>27965120 >>27965126 Alright added you both
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27965208 I think the main reason is it's telling me you aren't online, so I'm gonna log off and back on real quick
Rex 0147 0285 4166
>>27965169 I have as well.
Rex 0147 0285 4166
Quoted By:
>>27965237 Yeah, for me it says you're online so it's good on my end. I'll try reconnecting too
SweetBoy 2466-4374-0050
>>27965241 We're good now. Problem was on my end with internet. Your third mon is Maractus
MJ 3325-5937-2260
>>27965120 Sorry ill be back in a sec, my brother unplugged our router
Dave 2466-2254-4708
>>27965336 Ok, want me to use lower tier mons?
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus)
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus) Sun 21 Aug 2016 17:04:10 No. 27965380 Report Quoted By:
>>27965276 Ayyyeee, shitmons. Thanks dude. Also, anyone here have a steel type safari with Metang? Been searchin for a while now and still no luck.
MJ 3325-5937-2260
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus)
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus) Sun 21 Aug 2016 17:26:21 No. 27965890 Report So nobody has a steel safari at all then? Or is it just slow today.
Guy 1762-2801-1123
>>27965890 you are about a generation too late for friend safaris, sorry friendo.
MJ 3325-5937-2260
Dave 2466-2254-4708
>>27965976 I got rocked, and I knew from the start it'd be the Vileplume that'd do me in. I was so salty I misclicked Trick instead of HP Ice. Still would have been like at least a 3HKO, so it probably didn't matter.
MJ 3325-5937-2260
>>27966002 Yeah that didnt really matter but i got pretty lucky when i got parahax on dragonite
Elles 5301-3022-0698
>>27966159 gg dude, that gastrodon shut downhalf of my team
MJ 3325-5937-2260
>>27966374 Gg, too bad your team is for doubles so nothing had toxic
Elles 5301-3022-0698
Quoted By:
>>27966411 yea I was considering putting toxic on my toed but hypnosis did get me the only win of the three I played ranked so far
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus)
Rex 0147 0285 4166 (Oddish, Petilil, Maractus) Sun 21 Aug 2016 17:52:48 No. 27966466 Report Quoted By:
>>27965962 There was literally a whole thread for friend safaris a couple days ago though. But okay.
Elles 5301-3022-0698
Quoted By:
>>27966411 A lot of my hopes rested on my Durant for coverage too, she just tears through things
Quoted By:
I made you nerds a new thread because I don't like this one
>>27966667 >>27966667 >>27966667