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No.27963993 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else think genwunners are just a myth and anti-genwunners are far, FAR more vocal? (Before you call me a genwunner or whatever, my favorite gen is 4).

Like, you hear people complaining about genwun and genwun fans ALL the time, especially here on /vp/. Even when it has nothing to do with the thread, SOMEHOW genwun hate will be brought up.

Just watch this video from 3:30 onwards and tell me this isn't cringe-worthy. If you hate genwun and complain about it all the time, this is EXACTLY how you sound.

It's not about the criticism, legitimate or not, that he throws at the game. It's about him being so mad for no fucking reason and saying a million times "muh if you can't accept criticism then leave!!!" when he just tried to play the victim card earlier and he's the one not accepting of criticism. "Don't you DARE say they're the highest quality games in the series even though just a second ago I said everyone has the right to their opinion!"

Why is this one neckbeard relevant? Because that's literally how ALL of you anti-genwunners are. You feel compelled to hate genwun when it wasn't even brought up in the thread and you get so mad and upset when you're talking about it, like those games were some kind of personal insult to your life or something.