>>27979510Is there a Pokemon character that could possibly EVEN TOUCH Alain-Greninja? Keep in mind i'm not referring to ASH-Greninja. Nor am i talking about 50% Synchro Alain-Greninja with imperfect water veil. And no, i'm not talking about 100% Synchro Alain-Greninja with Latent Unlocked. Hyper Shuriken.
I am talking about Ultimate Mega XYZ Primal Bond Alain-Greninja X-TREME; one that has been powered up by sheer undiluted Chuuni Force and is further powered exponentially by drawing power from edges, having gained utmost mastery of the Kero-Ringan by betraying his beloved previous loser of a trainer in cold blood and cuckolding a flying flame-spewing lizard at the same time. Achieved ultimate physical and mental bond with Alain via practicing all existing forms of Kamasutra and inventing 274 more in the span of 4 days; Stole the elemental flame of Arceus and gained the ability to become any type he wants at the speed of edge; Has unlocked the Almighty Tongue of the Uroboros feat that grants him godlike lingual capabilities including the strength to destroy deities, extend for unmeasurable distances, and look supremely fashionable; Along with having mastered the Final XYZ Move: Ulti-Shuriken that unlike normal Z-Moves, draws power from ALL THREE FINAL LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET (The Edgiest) and is powered exponentially by the salty tears of disappointment from fans; and is also protected by the ultimate defense in the form of TvTokyo Executives guaranteeing victory to Alain through the most bullshit forms of plot armor ever conceived in this universe.
TvTokyo were trying to make the most powerful pokemon that has ever existed... and they succeeded.