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Team Skull leaks

No.27980842 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
-Team Skull do not want to destory or take over the world. They just want nice things. They go around stealing pokemon and items (mostly art) and their main goal is to capture the Guardians of each island as "trophys."
-After collecting all the guardians, they accidently awaken the Solgaleo or Lunala depending on which version you choose.
-The legendary they awaken is ecstatic to be free, and causes eternal daytime or nightime depending on the legend.
- You and Guzma then start working together, since they do not want eternal day/night either, and you search for the opposite legendary. You find them and then Solgaleo and Lunala create an eclipse. They then "fuse" and Marshadow appears causing an eclipse. So you could say the legends are evil for the first time in Pokemon. You work with Team Skull to fix this.
-Team skull grunt gear is obtainable after "jumping" one of them and you get the gear corresponding to your characters gender. You get to keep this.
-Kukui and Guzma were both trainers who set out to do the island trial challenge. Kukui and Guzma both failed. While Kukui accepted the fact and studied pokemon moves instead, but Guzma was furious. He chose the life of crime.
-Plumeria, who was also a criminal, found Guzma by himself and took him in. Guzma then founded team Skull with Plumeria's help.
-Guzma hates Alola culture after losing the island trial challenge. He strays away from all Alola culture, using no pokemon from Alola or Alolan forms. The only pokemon from Alola that he has are the island guardians, but he never uses them.
-In a nutshell team Skull's goal is to mess up Alola.