>>28022395To follow up on this, waaaay back in Gen 3, my buddy and I were frequent NetBattle users. I made a shitty Baton Pass/SD/Agility Scizor+Medicham core team that netted me a 60+ win streak (this was before ELO or whatever, so your record was all you could go by).
I guess word spread, and eventually I was matched up with Skarm(I had no idea who he was at the time, guess he was a big shot mod/admin). Beat him the first game by the skin of my teeth, and he calls it a fluke win and rechallenges. I pick up on his tendencies and outpredict the shit out his typical SkarmBliss core(Focus Punches all day) and get the BP to Medicham for a 4-0 sweep. Him, being a salty fuck, calls over the founder/admin Chaos(I knew who he was due to his infamy).
Chaos and I go at it. He proves to be a pretty smart player, but because I never used typical sets or spreads, he can't read any of my plays and I get him 2 out of 3 in some really close games-- He even got the majority of the hax to fall on his side, but my tendency to stay in and hit shit as hard as possible rather than switch threw him completely off.
These salty fucks threaten me to not say shit about winning against them, since I'm a "nobody" who they shouldn't have lost to.
Naturally, I don't take to threats from other nerds well, and type in big, bold letters, "HEY EVERYONE, I BEAT SKARM!!" in the chat.
Boom. One year IP ban from NetBattle, and a burning, seething hatred for everything relating to Smogon for life.
It was really funny watching Skarm lose to HYPER BEAM RAYQUAZA just a few weeks later at Nintendo's Journey Across America VG tourney(the precursor to VGC).
I've got a few more stories of those bums doing shit like talking down other peoples' clever sets, then stealing them and claiming them for their own, or banning anyone that doesn't conform to what the hive-mind deems acceptable behaviors on the forums.
Fuck that place.