>cheating more rampantlol
Anyway breeding a 5 IV mon is probably still going to be easier (either because they make breeding easier or Hyper Training is a bitch), Hyper Training is going to be more for Legendaries, fixing up imperfect shinies so they're not trash, bypassing fucking stupid gender ratios that make HA+Pokeball breeding obnoxious, getting perfect dittos to fuel your breeding farms, etc. Niche cases. As a person who got super into breeding during Gen VI, I'd be very excited if Hyper Training can surpass breeding as a more efficient way to train perfect Pokemon, but I am just skeptical. Remember how excited people were for Super Training, until we realized that Horde Training was 10x as fast?
For reference, Hyper Training not sucking depends on three things:
1) easy way to level 100 a Pokemon (XY had Cafes, ORAS had blissey bases, this is likely)
2) easy way to get bottle caps (we only know that one comes with Magearna which suggests that they're a bit rare, but idk, its anyones guess)
3) Hyper Training itself not being a time-wasting endeavor / incredibly frustrating
>>28026214You're halfway there. IVs exist on a continuum of 0 to 31, 31 being perfect, 0 being really bad. At level 100, each IV = 1 stat, so they're really not as big of a deal as people make them out to be (except Speed). For reference, a perfect 31 IV will have 32 more points in that stat than a 0 IV Pokemon, whereas EVs can contribute 64 points- twice as much! Still no reason to not use perfect IVs if you can get them though- and they're easily attainable these days so you don't have an excuse.