>>28077460You know, I would actually find this even plausible if the other ones didn't already have their specific dex entries for each game version on their site, and in the case of Arcanine it even talks about its fire powering its speed.
That technically means that their normal forms have to exist on at least one of the islands, otherwise the dex entries being there would make no sense, and I still think that GF is too lazy to bother with both forms.
I wouldn't mind being wrong though, it would be nice if Arcanine got something, although I don't really like the potential water typing.
Speculation wise it's only moon that mentions fire though, so maybe the version exclusive forms could actually happen, maybe a certain part of the overworld, where the Alolan Arcanine could appear, is only accessible in one of the versions. It's still odd that the shown dex entry wouldn't mention anything about its different typing at all though and I'm not really sure what they wanted to accomplish if those entries were just one big ruse. In the end they would have just given some of us autists on /vp/ new shitposting fuel and Arcaninefags etc. temporarily disappointment about no potential new form.
There is also a bit of a tempus difference in the japanese phrase, the Alolan forms use a more distinct past tense, but that's advanced nuance nitpicking that might mean nothing at all, because the whole te iru construction is used for describing conditions and the actual tempus is often dependent on context.