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You're shit, /vp/.

No.28074368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's time we had a talk. A serious talk.

I don't honestly care about your opinions on the matter, they don't count nor do they matter. So don't bother replying with sarcastic undertones or passive trolling. You won't get what you think you will. Which brings me to my first topic about your stupidity as a whole. This new meme shit has gotten out of hand. Enough of it. You do not even know the proper term for Meme and not a single one of you know the proper way to adhere a ''meme'' to a specific situation.

You've become so ignorant to the fact that ''memes'' are actually a method of trolling, but you use them to anti-troll the troll to troll the troll into flaming, fuming, or arguing. That's stupid. It's not meant for that nor is that the proper use of what a ''meme'' has always stood for. Get it right or get the fuck off my board. Yes, MY board. Not yours. Bow to your God and ruler, which is me. Just bow, keep your fingers off the keyboard and mics silenced so there's no workaround of speech to text.
Just let it be.

Moving on I feel you need a strong back hand for grievously misusing the term ''bait'' and a not to mention the (you) bullshit. Let me be frank here, know why we didn't ''meme'' ''bait'' and (you) in the old days? Because there wasn't a need. No one used those stupid terms because they're just that; vapid and fucking stupid. Do not be the retard who replies to this with ''r'', ''kek'',''lol'',''u mad'','' new meme?'', ''nice meme'',''this is bait'',''here's your (you.)'' Why? Because it's the dumbest thing you new users of 4chan have ever created. The oldfags like myself who have been around since 2003 and on, who predate your little gathering of shit, just roll our eyes and hide threads that are filled with your crap.