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Marseleo Morning, Day, And Night Forms

No.28084884 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Marseleo Morning Form
Type: Water/Steel
Hidden Ability: Filter
Signature Move: Sea strike
Description: Marseleos swimming speed is said to exceed that of Popplios both on land and sea. Marseleo has been known to build weapons out of water for use in battle against fellow Marseleo who have abandoned each other.

Marseleo Day Form
Type: Water/Fairy
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Signature Move: Liquid Sheild
Description: Exposure to the sun has softened up Marseleo letting it pass through any barrier. The glisten in its eye has been known to paralyze its opponents in fear as it lets out its shrieking cry. Sailors have been said to be led astray by the voice of Marseleo

Marseleo Night Form
Type: Water/Ice
Hidden Ability: Huge Power
Signature Move: Drown
Description: Powered by the reflection of the Moon, Marseleo has adapted to the cold conditions of the water. The introduction of Marseleo into man made beaches has been known to cause them to freeze over.