[34 / 32 / ?]
ops are too slow edition
>What the fuck is this?
Hungermon is a string of Hunger-Games simulator threads that originated on /vp/ four nights ago. It was ignored by the mods at first but was swiftly deleted once it began to overshadow /vp/'s daily dose of fake leak and poke-waifu threads. With that being said:
>No avatarfagging. I know that /trash/ is the place where people go to do that stuff, but Hungermon tries to focus more on the simple simulator experience.
>Try not to spam tribute suggestions. Hungermon normally uses 48 tributes, don't be that one faggot who gets 4 in and then brags about it.
>Keep things Pokemon-related. This includes memes, actual Pokemon, people related to it, and references that make sense (Don't post a picture of Asuka and call it a Cubone). This is mostly to fit in with the general theme of the threads (we are /vp/ refugees, after all)
>Being that this isnt a blue board, I will allow more risque tribute suggestions. Straight up porn will be ignored. Anything against /trash/'s rules can run the risk of the thread being deleted, not something we want to happen again.
>Don't submit previous champions as tribute. This is literally the only continuity in the "canon" of Hungermon.
1-Hatsune Mimikyu
2-Based Alain
3-Ya Boy Guzma
4-O Beast the Snorlax
5-Edgy Absol
6-Ekans Charmer
Lets get 48 Tributes!
ops are too slow edition
>What the fuck is this?
Hungermon is a string of Hunger-Games simulator threads that originated on /vp/ four nights ago. It was ignored by the mods at first but was swiftly deleted once it began to overshadow /vp/'s daily dose of fake leak and poke-waifu threads. With that being said:
>No avatarfagging. I know that /trash/ is the place where people go to do that stuff, but Hungermon tries to focus more on the simple simulator experience.
>Try not to spam tribute suggestions. Hungermon normally uses 48 tributes, don't be that one faggot who gets 4 in and then brags about it.
>Keep things Pokemon-related. This includes memes, actual Pokemon, people related to it, and references that make sense (Don't post a picture of Asuka and call it a Cubone). This is mostly to fit in with the general theme of the threads (we are /vp/ refugees, after all)
>Being that this isnt a blue board, I will allow more risque tribute suggestions. Straight up porn will be ignored. Anything against /trash/'s rules can run the risk of the thread being deleted, not something we want to happen again.
>Don't submit previous champions as tribute. This is literally the only continuity in the "canon" of Hungermon.
1-Hatsune Mimikyu
2-Based Alain
3-Ya Boy Guzma
4-O Beast the Snorlax
5-Edgy Absol
6-Ekans Charmer
Lets get 48 Tributes!