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Anyone else like the real starter evos more then these fakes?

No.28086866 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've seen a lot of people on here with an immense love for Balio, or whatever the fuck it's name is. While he's kind of grown on me, not only do I still feel that the Water/fairy type is better, but I feel like all of the actual leaked designs that are real are better.

First, Rowletts fake and Rowlet's real evolution. Both are obviously going for an archer archetype, but Robinroot does the concept so much better.
>Barely an owl, only real thing owl-like about it is it's feet and probably it's face

>Actually uses vine whips as its bow string and it's wing as the bow itself
>Has a hoodie that it can tighten shut via said vine whips
>Has glasses underneath to futhur the basic, adorkable design of Rowlett
>Actually has talons

Litten's final evo is the more subjective one, but I personally like LuchaLitten more then the other one
>Fake Litten is extreemly lanky
>Painfully basic

>Is based off of a Heel wreslter, therefore doing cheap and dirty tricks in battle, such as throwing tables on Pikachu and spitting oil from Litten's original form in the faces of it's opponents.
>It has a weaponized belt that shoots fire from it (Which is also apparently really good for cooking tea, as Mallow finds)

Lastly is Popplio,
>Balio is absolutely terrifying, looking like it's going to murder you in your sleep
>Stands on its flippers. This means that in order for him to move, he needs to waddle

>Real!Popplio does the same thing as Delphox, trying to be a furry waifu starter. The difference is thatit blends together between being one and just straight up being a Pokemon as opposed ot Delphox, who for some reason grows a dress and face reaches uncanny valley.
>Seals are mermaids to dogs, just like how Lobsters are mermaids to Scorpions.