[93 / 9 / ?]

339KiB, 1024x840, litten_final_evolution___fanart_by_devildman-da65to6.png
Quoted By: >>28090003 >>28090005 >>28090014 >>28090037 >>28090116 >>28090135 >>28090137 >>28090419 >>28090447 >>28090488 >>28091543 >>28091772 >>28091987 >>28092544 >>28093446 >>28093853
Okay let's take a step back for a second. Now that the dust is settling, can we agree that - even though it's fucking awful that we have to put up with the sheer quantity of repetitive Fire/Fighting starters - this guy actually does deserve the Fighting typing more than, say, Infernape? Or actually any others? He's a giant ripped wrestler with a wrestling prize belt that spews fire. I would rather Emboar or Infernape lose it than him.