>>28102962Part 2, comment got long.
>>28098176I disagree in the sense that I think most fairy types are good, but your chart is good so it's okay.
>>28098282Good taste. Lots of Wormadam hate in this thread.
>>28098316Someone exists that likes Probopass AND dislikes Geodude? That's pretty shit taste. I do also dislike Garchomp though so we share that.
>>28098335I like your chart but dislike you whining about fairies.
>>28098444Listen, gen 3's my least fave too but don't be hating on Swampert.
>>28098647Pretty decent taste.
>>28098809Why dont you like Unowns Deepest Lore? Your taste has reached "I hate fun" levels which could only be topped by making your least fave Garbodor or Vanilluxe.
>>28099038 said.
>>28099041You dislike Heatran which is good taste, but dislike Umbreon and like Lucario, both of which are bad taste.
>>28099195Meh taste.
>>28099277Pretty good taste, Hawlucha and Froslass are awesome. Dunno why you dislike Gallade though.
>>28099291This was a good chart until you hated on Binacle. 3/4.
>>28099425I refuse to believe Ghost is anyones least favorite type. Contender for worst taste in the thread for hating on the Iron Giant.
>>28099497Fantastic taste.
>>28099656Decent taste.
>>28099737Marowak is a great choice, but hating on Drapion makes me unable to give you above decent taste.
>>28100039Okay taste.
>>28100160Like your chart but relax about Fairies man, I understand you're buttblasted about bugs being nerfed again but maybe they'll get another boost in gen 7.
>>28100488Okay, THIS is the worst taste in the thread.
>>28100533Good taste.
>>28100874Fantastic taste.
>>28101108Your taste reeks of hipster tbqh.
>>28101508I like your chart, made me laugh.
>>28101558>>28101569Meh taste.
>>28101585>>28101770Damn good taste.
>>28101897Someone's mad they got beat by a belly drum Azumarill.
>>28102136Can't believe someone has bad enough taste to hate on Parasect.