Have had this idea for a long time, but this is the second time I run into a roadblock. They're based on goats and rams, and the general idea is that their horn shapes are references to two electric measuring units, Volt (V) and Ohm (Ω) respectively. Apart from that, it's improvisation really.
It was originally intended to be electric/ice, but since a blue color scheme couldn't pull off the ice typing I've decided to settle for Electric/Normal (because we really don't need more pure electric atm). But as it is, I still feel it looks too basic. Might try again to make their legs seem like thunderbolts coming out of a cloud, or maybe add other circuit references to their appearance, but things are going slow.
>>28124004These designs are more or less based on their typings alone, there's no particular concept or reference behind them from what I can see and thus they become very bland and forgettable. There's only so much a color scheme can accomplish.
>>28124046Dunno man. The robot seems somewhat neat if the concept is about it finding various junk comoponents and add them onto itself, but pretty much all stages are very barebones and don't have much to offer, remember to make it stand out from Registeel. Caveman is a cool idea behind a Rock/Fighting mon, but right now you just have a generic cave man with gems/rocks glued onto it. Not feeling that one.
>>28128393Suffering from the usual "just gets bigger trope", and the water starter needs more than a simple scarf to justify that ice typing imo. The fire starter actually seems interesting but at the same time very unlikely, so I'd like to hear about the concept behind that one.