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This threads pretty surprising, people are a lot more self aware than I was expecting.
4chan in general due to the anonymous nature amplifes a lot of obnoxious negative human qualities 10 fold, like things devolving into shitflinging at the sight of a slightly different opinion, but I think the thing that pisses me off the most in general is the stupid pride about shit that's unknown or not fully understood.
People can't just admit that they don't know something. They have to act like they have all the answers all the time. It cause 2 issues in general
>Something that's impossible to know 100% either way, such as the presence of something new, yet people will staunchly take sides instead of just discussing possibilities
This creates shit threads where people shitpost about how right they'll be in X amount of days about X element. For this reason, I don't really mind BTFO threads all that much, because it's pretty much just people reaping what they sew.
>And secondly, it creates a situation where someone's not knowledgeable about a certain topic and tries to make a claim dickishly
What's worse is, people do this the most in the presence of people who DO know what theyre talking about. I don't even give a shit so much that theyre wrong, I mean what the fuck ever, not everyone's gonna know everything. Making fun of people for not being knowledgable when theyre trying to acquire knowledge is literally neckbeard status.
It IS a fucking issue when they act like a cock head know it all and theyre wrong. God that shit grinds my gears so hard. It's like being aggressively incorrect.
You see this shit with competitive a lot. People will be like "hurr why is X Y or Z banned? all u have 2 do is counter it xD" and then proceed to describe a list of checks, not counters or some shit like that. We've all been there and seen that.
As for /vp/ in particular, just the furshit. I don't even care about furries as a whole, but jesus the spam is obnoxious to me.