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No.28150704 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This just came in, thread just got deleted. Copypasta here,

Gonna make this quick, but I saw the new video that is supposed to be uploaded soon. I couldn't record or take pictures but i drew them from memory. (Also apologize for uploading from phone, my internet is down).

Artleaka was 90% correct with his info, the only thing not shown is plant shooter, lava pig and bounsweet evo. BUT these 3 were shown.

Crabrawler is version exclusive to moon, while mon in pic related is found in red. Counterpart to crabrawler. Based on a lobster. Name was Loboxter. Fighting type.

Tiki mon was shown as rockaby evo. Name was Uhaku.

Little snowman name was Dulfrost. Ice/ghost.

I don't know when the video scheduled to air, just know it's next month.