>>28201191refer to this
>>28201992Hawaii had a rat problem long ago, so they brought in mongoose to take care of the rat population. But then the Rattata evolved to live in urban areas, away from Yungoos, and are nocturnal, unlike Yungoos. And of course Gamefreak, as they seem to be doing this generation, took that invasive rat/imported mongoose relationship a step further, and have alolan Rattata a robber and Gumshoos a detective.
This generation seems to be a big turning point for Pokemon. They seem to finally be doing new things and taking risks that will hopefully pay off amazingly. One of these things seems to be the Pokemon themselves. Think about it! Any other person would make a coconut crab Pokemon, a matamata turtle Pokemon, and a stag beetle line, and just leave it at that. But of course Gamefreak made a BOXING coconut crab, a SULFURIC LAND MINE matamata turtle, and an ELECTRICAL stag beetle.
Pokemon is changing. The Pokemon designs themselves may not be realistic/appealing to some people, but they are becoming more creative and (more importantly) full of PERSONALITY. I think that's a good thing.