Salamence was banned in ORAS for the same reason it followed Garchomp to Uber in DPP: it just has too many things it can run. Even with just DD/Return/EQ, it still has an extra slot to fuck up whatever counters you could come up with.
M-Slowbro with ice beam? hyper voice/draco
unaware? broken by sheer power, or draco'd/shouted at
eq immune steels? fire blast
dank air balloon heatran? aqua tail/hydro pump, which coincidentally covers bulky grounds/rhyperior
Status? sub, possibly with roost to keep the rape train going without brakes
Phazing? mence learns roar, but no one outside of dedicated cteamers and showderp would use it
The fact that mence
>>>>Canrun these things is important though. no one set can run a move to bop every counter, and if it did, it would probably suck against everything else. A major argument for keeping it in OU isn't that it's held back by 4 moveslot syndrome.
>>28226932unrelated but bisharp is kept in check by the prevalence of SkillPony™, mega sab, mega venu to a lesser extent, and a bunch of other shit that doesn't care about knock off. It was most threatening back when deosharp was still legal.
SD sets are still godly on offense tho