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Commenting on Starters

No.28224512 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here are my ideas on starters that has the theme of Courage/Power/Wisdom.

Type: Grass
Species: Pup Pokémon
Ability: Overgrow
HA: Bravery (Attack boosts if hit by Dark, Ghost and Bug-type moves)
Stats: 46/58/47/58/45/56

Type: Grass
Species: Wolf Pokémon
Ability: Overgrow
HA: Bravery (Attack boosts if hit by Dark, Ghost and Bug-type moves)
Stats: 60/81/53/81/52/78

Type: Grass/Fighting
Species: Forest Pokémon
Ability: Overgrow
HA: Bravery (Attack boosts if hit by Dark, Ghost and Bug-type moves)
Stats: 70/106/75/106/73/100
Theme: Courage