>>28226697Memetic Mutation: Various phrases have reached local meme status for certain situations.
“WHY CHAMP”, “CHAAAAMP”, “CHAMP HAD A STROKE”, and basically any incoherent swearing when Champ screws up.
"[Opponent], do you have a cute little sister with cute little feet?"
“It’s Happening!”, “You done it now!”, “OH BBY”, etc. when one of Champ’s Pokémon is given the opportunity to start setting up.
“PRESS THE BUTTON!”, as the generally accepted term to tell Champ to use a powerful attack (most commonly Outrage).
“NICE X, NERD!” to mock the opponent’s team, shiny Pokémon, items, moveset, ability, strategy, name, avatar, and basically everything else.
“FINAL FORM!!!” as a request for Champ to continue boosting one of their Pokémon’s stats to the absolute limit, either because it’s necessary to be able to sweep the opponent… or just because they can and it’ll be hilarious.
"You're fighting Marriland!"
"BALK" when a Pokémon survives an attack either just barely or by a large amount.
"STRONK" when an attack unexpectedly deals a lot of damage.
“rekt”, “#REKT”, or “Shrekt” almost every single time the Champ knocks out an opponent’s Pokémon.
“It’s ogre”, when predicting that Champ will lose.
Emoticon faces like ":^)" at the end of purposely stupid remarks.