[12 / 2 / ?]
Shedding a here can use the Z-moves for... Normal, Bug, Ground, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Dark, Fire, Grass, Flying, and Rock. Sun/Moon is literally the end of all (living) Pokemon. Before Alola, shedinjas and ferrothorns terrorized teams. Now they have the power of Z-Moves. We are all doomed
>>28228139 What are you babbling about?
>>28228139 >can KO one pokemon per battle yeah man, doomed
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>>28228158 About how the competitive scene of Pokemon is about to change forever with Z-moves which is good for some but bad for everyone else cause some really annoying Pokemon now have the offensive edge they need
>>28228170 >Reminder that Pikachu did a normal-type Z move on Rowlet and it took half of its HP. Anonymous
>>28228541 >Pikachu did a normal-type Z move fucking what? links, anon. i know it could based on the announced z-move learning requirements, but i dont remember any vids like that
>>28228717 Z-Moves are just super moves not OHKO moves.
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>>28228753 so a neutral type matchup with no stab is a 50% kill, that move looks physical, pikachus off attack stat.
shedinja isnt exactly going to turn into some OP as fuck monster because of them.
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>>28228779 literally nobody in this thread said the were OHKO moves.
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>>28228139 What did he mean by this?
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>Protect >Make them waste their Z-Move or at the very least scout it Crisis averted