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Is this a fake leak or not

No.28284338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi 4chan, you can consider this a fake leak or believe it, I'm not going to claim that's true, I know it would be useless and people will start saying that I'm trolling

>Starters have 2 form for each: Sun and Moon form
>Chinese leaks about wrestler, archer and Siren are supposed to be fake or scrapped atleast, I've seen the 2nd stage of starters and it looks very far from them, in 2nd stage Litten gains Dark type and Popplio remain pure Water
>There is no Arcanine line on Alola forms, stop that meme please
>Psyduck Poison/Psychic
>Duglett steel
>Paras Grass/Poison
>Lapras fairy
>Ponyta Fire/Dark

See you tomorrow folks

I know you will ask so I'll answer:

Litten2 stands on 4 paws and start gains a lion shape, his fur on the face starts look like a mane

Rowlet2 beacomes fat and taller, also his paws are taller

Popplio2 becomes muscular, and his water mane becomes a "ball" around his head, only ears pops out