>>28334040Then why don't the hind legs look like that, "no matter what?"
Type: Null is not a combination of merely 3-4 Pokemon. If it is, we haven't seen which Pokemon it gets the parts from yet, because these aren't from any Pokemon we know. To say they resemble a seal, a cat, and an owl is the biggest stretch I've ever fucking seen.
Whether or not it looks like insect armor or bug claws to you, it's too far of a stretch to translate it to "oh, those are Rowlet's feet" when you're only contention is "well, they're green... like Rowlet." As other anime said, Litten isn't gonna have purple fucking pads in a red/black design. A seal or whatever isn't going to have a fin unless it's the Chinese leak, and even then... we can already see that doesn't share the same fin as this.