>>28366433Yes, actually. Starmie is one of the most reliable pokémons overall because she has acess to everything you could ask. If you are ignoring competitive and don't have to worry about WILL I OUTSPEED THIS JOLLY GARCHOMP, just throw in coverage like
>>28366478 and you are good to go. You can use Rapid Spin instead of Psychic or Recover, or if you want, just go full out with the attacking derp and swap Recover for Thunderbolt.
And that's assuming all you want to do is fucking run around blowing up people on the main game. You can use her to Rapid Spin the ever so present Stealth Rocks, burn with Scald or try to cheese whole wins from spamming Double Team.
It's a good pokémon, but I really wouldn't think so hard if all you are doing is playing through the main game. But that's just me.