>>28399036While I'm not a fan of arguably "just gets bigger/add more fire" designs (they mostly make me grunt and look like a colossal mess), the only design that has managed to keep me interested out of all those is D.I's.
It's just so fucking easy on the eyes, it's not just flames or insane patterns everywhere, it's simple, it's basic. Yet, from what I've seen from its concept arts, it actually changes drastically while attacking but then goes back to normal after delivering the blow. It's a subtle design, but when attacking, it manages to surprise as its fur changes color to a sulfur-like color. That's the kind of thing Typhlosion does. Typhlosion just looks like a huge ass badger with no fire to it, but when he attacks or gets angry, his fire mane sets off, revealing a whole other side to him design wise.
It's just a design that isn't blatantly trying to force FIRE on you, it just has fire on the tip of its tail, but if you were ever to use it, you realize how complex the design actually is when attacking. I'm not even bringing up the fact that its theme is supposedly based on cannons.