I love barboach but have a really weird history with it. Back when i was a teenager i had a massive parasite fetish and i would stick a cucumber up my ass and wriggle it around pretending it was a barboach trying to enter my intestines. I remember one time where i was doing it when i thought my parents were out. As you could have guessed my parents came back when i was fantasising about barboach and my mum came into my room when i yelled "BARBOACH DONT LIVE INSIDE ME".I tried to play it off as me shouting at my game, completely forgetting i had a cucumber up my ass. I had a stern talking to that night. Another one i rememeber was when the cucumber snapped and my ass sucked it up. After 3 days i started to get a stomach ache so i told my parents and they took me to a&e and later a psychiatrist