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Alternative forms/Split evolutions: Big thread edition, Discuss

No.28482588 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi guys, it's time to understand what points out to alternative forms and what points out to only 1 form final evolution for Starters

I'll start for what confirm 1 form starter:

+Chinese leaker and "confirmed leaks" don't quote alternative forms for starter but they do it for Rockruff meaning that starters maybe don't have this featurer

+ Popplio learns Disarming voice and Sing (On Pokèmon Card) this feature is bond to the Mermaid but it seems like he has no other "feature" from moves

+ Coro coro's text quote that "The starter also have a shocking secret" so maybe is the same but probably not beacuse they are not in the same text

+Robinroot and Mermaid features can be seen since 1st stage for Rowlet and Popplio

+Actually the leaked concepts shows only them 3, and I'm asking to myself "Why insert Ash and Mallow only in TigerMask concept?" who is scanned with the other 2 evolutions on top and bottom, this could be a coincidence but at this point it seems very unlikely

+ Masuda tweeting Tiger Mask (could be a coincidence)

+ The riddler image counting 3 forms starters was just his way to counting riddles

) Now What supports alternative forms

+ Day and Night feature could mean that for the starters aswell, it would look stupid to give it to only one pokèmon

+ The Coro coro secret can be both right or wrong

+ The leaked evolutions have a marked night feature (Fire/Dark tigermask, Robinroot kinda look "dark", Mermaid is a creature of the night)

+ Couldn't find others, add If you can
