So after reading a lot of shitposts and watching the trailer some times, I've come to the conclusion that we see Red in:
With his face in shadows, picking up a ball, and then about to fight Blue.
Vs Noivern and encountering Perfect Zygarde.
That's pretty much it. I could've sworn it was more than that, but we could be seeing only a few episodes focused on him, since we know/suspect some will only be focused on side characters. Plus, I doubt having Red facing N is a good idea, it has to be the Gen 5 guys.
In fact, I believe the times we see Red in Kanto will actually be a Blue focused episode: you see him taking on Bruno and Lance in the trailer. From his perspective, we see Red entering the stage to face him, and we previously saw his face in the shadows, maybe teasing him as the guy that will eventually crush Blue at the end of the episode. Fuck, even Giovanni could actually be from the Johto episode, where we might follow Gold.
The Kalos scenes could very well be the last short episode, with them teasing Perfect Zygarde and maybe Alola, and what not.
I don't think we'll have Red as the MC for every gen, but at least two of them are confirmed. I don't deny the possibilty, though, they could easily pull an Ash on him and have him face literally everyone and everything in the series, for... some reason.
By the way, this IS the same Red from Origins. Same clothes, although the artstyle is different (see: Blue's face).
Personally, I wouldn't be upset if he is in gens 2, 3, 4 and 5, but I honestly believe we might see other MCs. After all, the highlights of each generation are things like Gold/Kris vs Red, Lucas/Dawn in the distortion world, Hilda/Hilbert vs N, Nate/Rosa vs Ghetsis. Putting Red in their place wouldn't be the highlight they promise.