>>28510150>linear as fuck maps that require constant backtracking (BW at least)The linearity in Gen 5 is way waaay too overblown imo. Pokemon games have always been linear to an extent, it's only the first two gen's that weren't as linear as the rest, but even then they're still pretty linear. I don't know about BW because I rushed through it after BW2 but in BW2, there was a decent amount of off-path areas that I had fun exploring.
>156 new pokemon, 85% of which are shit, 10% of which are average, and 5% are greatIf you can honestly look at the entire dex and every individual pokemon and think 85% of the designs are shit, then that's pretty unfortunate. While I do think a lot of them could be better, there are still a lot of good to great designs, and definitely enough to make a team with.
>Literally NO good places to train your Pokemon.Audinos were handing exp like candy. Though I've never had the need to grind them, if I'm having trouble I would just move on ahead and find more trainers to battle then go back and beat the part I was stuck in. Since I'd have to battle them anyway, it was win-win.
>gyms that are basically "throw one pokemon at it and win"The only games where I had this problem were in Gen VI because it's so easy to get overleveled.
>pisspoor story that takes itself so seriously, and tricks dumbass kids and fanboys into thinking it's amazing.While I do think the story is mediocre, I still think it's better than all the other Gens simply because it tried to be something. It did things differently compared to the other gens and it was an enjoyable experience with that alone.
>sturdy buffNever found it a problem, then again I'm not into competitive if that's the reason.