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No.28511358 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever noticed they've stopped making third games the exact moment it became obvious what their title would be immediately after the main games came out? Hear me out
>Pokemon Yellow: being the first gen, no one expected there to be a third game at all
>Pokemon Crystal: No one could've guessed the third game would be about Suicune, and even then, what the fuck do gold, silver and crystal have in common?
>Pokemon Emerald: this becomes obvious when you find out the third game is about rayquaza, but being the first time there's a dragon legendary linked to the two boxart legendary, and with its relation to Groudon and Kyogre not really clear in RS, it wasn't obvious that would be the case
>Pokemon Platinum: Now you immediately know the third game will be about Giratina, but what the fuck is the link between between pearls, diamonds and platinum
>Pokemon BW: The legendaries are literally black and white and there's a legendary with a grey palette clearly linked to them? Pokemon Grey will be the third game duh
>Pokemon XY? The legendaries start with X and Y, their silhouettes vaguely resemble and X and Y, and coincidentally the only other non mythical legendary is a dragon type that starts with Z and whose silhouette vguely resemble a Z. Could they make it any more obvious that there's gonna be a pokemon Z?

They're just fucking with us aren't they?