The only argument I seem to have against this is the question on why they're simply named "Owl3, "Tiger3" and "Seal3" respectively and even that might be just because of the names not being all that necessary until voice actors get involved if this is presumably anime art reference, otherwise, Ash being there doesn't really make that much sense if it were game concept.
The art style is awfully reminiscent of Ohmura's concept arts (more reminiscent of the gym leaders' concept art), but some of the smaller sketches are kind of veering towards "chicken scratch" quality, which doesn't seem all that professional? I've already seen sketches similar to these, but these look fairly toned down on detail. The one that mostly sticks out is one in Rowlett3's concept art (top left corner, below transparent hood one). I'm just surprised these look so cramped as well, to the point of having some of the art clipped (see belt thrusting Litten3 and the Litten3/Pikachu one, main profile Rowlett3's feather right on top of another Rowlett3 drawing) and barely having any room left. Barely anything describing Popplio3 too, you'd think her design would bring about some important annotations. Going by the color codes, I assume this would actually be how they're going to be portrayed in the anime, right down to the color palette too, unless shading/ambient color gets involved and tone changes a bit. This quite literally being how they'd look in the anime, lineart/shading/color and all. And this is the very first time we've been witness to color codes actually, as far as I know, no other concept art did this.
I'm no expert on this, I'm just laying my two cents here.