XY Anime is literally worse BW Anime by giving us hope No.28593823 Report Right, he'll basically be forced to um... "transform" for the last time ever cause Ash-Greninja is in fact a girl (OH MY GOD THE FANMANITY! Even though it's something stupid I can see them doing) and it's pissed cause Ash bitches out and let's Serena do whatever she wants and she ends up giving him a REAL Kalosian kiss if you know what I'm saying. Either way Greninja get's upset and suddenly talks "Ash-Kun how could you!" Ash goes after her but it's too late, heartbroken Ash-Geko never bond phenoms with Ash again. And then Ash, being a even more little bitch, drops it off with Oak as Serena stays in Kanto to do the Kanto Version of Princessing and blah blah blah.
Let's be real for a sec, those fucktards fucked up a really good way of to let Ash atleast happiness and they of course had to set up to teach kids cheating in ANY FUCKING WAY never let's you prosper. Oh wait, they didn't? Cause for whatever fucking reason they want to rub more salt in the wound after not giving Ash a fucking Mega (like FUCKING LUCARIO WHICH I THOUGHT HE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN SEASONS AGO BUT MOVIECANON IN ANIMECANON DOESNT COUNT) but oh wait they did by giving the one coherent guy in the XY Anime a Charizard, one of Ash's signature pokemon, that super-mega evolves thanks to the Team Flare assholes. But no don't sacrifice him to make us feel better and show how inferior you are.
Like seriously think about it, the real reason why the TPCi allowed such a piece of shit of anime is cause Kalos is just a battle-animated guilded turd written by people who wanted to not let Ash be ANYTHING like the XY game protags so let's give him a thing that's legit anime exclusive, let's have not one but two douches have Mega-Charizards to rub it in his face, and let's just give hiim, you guessed it, FUCKING A MAJORITY OF ELECTRIC OR ICE WEAK TO POKEMON!
And no let's get our dicks off more by having Alan's Pseudos and Ash's Pseudos beaten by complete bullshit.