/vpwt/: Hail to the Queen Edition
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Previous Thread:
>>28516870 Check out the catalog for a directory of fics from fellow writefags,
>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PtN4D_9CSw8JJ9uO6v0oQqdtKEkS8aFAvfxqI96XfSE/edit?usp=sharing >Can I post NSFW fics? Absolutely! There are no rules against NSFW text links.
>How should I post my fics? Please, for the convenience of everyone involved, link to a host like
Fanfiction.net , Pastebin or Google Docs rather than dumping your fics in text posts. This not only keeps the thread tidy (and keeps you from getting an infraction for spam), but it also provides a more permanent place to store your work.
>Can I add a fic I wrote to the catalog? Sure! Check the catalog for the submission link. In there, you can find a link to a Google Form - fill out all the necessary information and it will be submitted for review automatically. Technology is incredible!
We're also looking to collect ideas for fanfics as a resource for stumped writers. Feel free to throw an idea out there; someone may choose to use it themselves!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X072SSWulcC6RJRrPA6v9XtyohRybvMBl6Fh49wHsRw Topic of the Thread: Favorite genre to read/write?
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>>28625406 my favorite genres are angst and violence followed by a healthy dose of dramatic action sequences
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Hey, everyone. I'm looking for a fanfiction I read years ago; I think it was on Bulbagarden. It involved Ash (or maybe it was Red) being up on Mt. Silver and finally returning home to Pallet, muscular and with his Pokémon all super-charged (possibly with added mechs, etc.). Everyone in Pallet, notably his mother and Gary (or Blue/Green), is particularly uncomfortable with what he has become (due to his insatiable desire to become the very best). That's all I remember. If the story rings a bell to anyone, can someone give me a name or a link? Thanks.
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TotT: Probably crime, war, or just simple fantasy or sci fi to read. To write i prefer science fiction/fantasy with more of a character focus.
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TOTT: Haven't read much in a while, but when I did it was usually romance. I'm a tremendous faggot I guess. Generally, the genre is in addition to something like drama, adventure, or supernatural/occult stuff.
I wrote mostly romance and character study for quite some time, interspersed with other shit, but recently I've been writing more occult and drama focused work, and then just working pre-existing or failed romances into it, because wow I really am a tremendous faggot.
>>28625469 God damn, there's some rather dark art drawn of this fucking series, holy fuck.
wew accidentally closed the docs window>TOTT Writing, I greatly prefer gritty, logical adventure stories with fantasy elements to explain. There is typically romance somewhere in there, if only for a single sentence worth of a hint. For the few things I do read, it usually ends up being just about the same except even more inherently furfaggoty.
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TotT: I like writing smut/fantasy stufff. I don't know how amazing I am at characters, but I like to do stuff that really focuses on interactions. I don't do much reading. I should get on that.
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>>28626154 mimiga dumping me in the middle of a conversation right when I'm trying to explain the distinction between "romance" and "shipping"
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TOTT: I don't read very much except for what's assigned in my classes, but in the rare cases where I pick up a book of my own choosing, I usually prefer adventurey stuff, be it fantasy or sci-fi or something else. I wouldn't say I abhor any genre in particular, though. At least, not that I can think of right now. In terms of writing: I only started doing creative writing in earnest a month or two ago, so I haven't done enough to really figure out what I like writing best. I think I feel more comfortable doing action rather than laid-back stuff, and I've been enjoying writing the emotional scenes in Azure Sun as well, though it's hard to say what type of genre I feel the best about. But I keep writing to find that answer.
>>28626528 Mostly, yeah. You could definitely look at it that way.
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>>28626587 Hes dead Will...
Recap, hopefully I got them all edition:
Snapath is looking for feedback on chapter 2 and 3 of his "The Azure Sun Rises". SFW
Chapter 2:
http://pastebin.com/5fNyMSgB Chapter 3:
http://pastebin.com/wU7TUJYT An anon made a few lewd fics featuring a human and pokemon. NSFW
pastebin.com/HrrFyLen Lopunny:
pastebin.com/yPDDehEQ Gardevoir:
pastebin.com/G5wkr0xc Ee4ee wrote a fight scene. SFW
http://pastebin.com/1rFCeh7T traipsingexodus shared chapter 3 of AuCoup Par Coup. SFW
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12009986/3/Au-Coup-Par-Coup Newly namefagged Gorgel posted chapter 2 of Desolate Sea. SFW
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8071213/chapters/18494398 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12148633/2/Desolate-Sea Anon posted an an update to Pokemon Flash Platinum. SFW
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12024240/8/Pokemon-Flash-Platnium Butler !!vQF061dDoa/
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>>28625406 >Hail to the Queen Edition What's a queen to a maiden
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>>28626876 you should try linking to the OP as well, just to increase the odds of people seeing it
>>28625406 !Ee4ee/vYmA
>Day 27: We have suffered a colossal setback. Brain realized it didn't need internet to become distracted. For the three (if I'm generous to myself) of you who might care about Big Shoes to Fill, you may have noticed I didn't get a chapter update out last thread. I think if I'm lucky I might get out Ch.8 this thread. Except it wont be Ch.8, it'll be Ch.7, because I'm about to embark on a restructuring and rewriting of Ch.2 and Ch.3 into a single chapter. I could call it any number of positive productive things; bringing earlier chapters up to a higher standard, or amending the story where I see a lot of reader attrition. But my sparse readership deserves honesty, so I'm going to go ahead and say it's Advanced Procrastination.
>STILL 0 (Zero) Lucy x F Seviper lewd fic in 12 years C'mon!
>>28629905 You have no idea how into it I am
>>28629943 M-Mimiga? Are you okay mang?
>>28629939 Why not take a crack at writing it yourself anon? You might surprise yourself.
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>>28629972 No I am finally getting for realsies feedback and discussion and it is the most intense thing that has ever happened
>>28629972 I'm spanishfag, and Google Translator ruins everything </3
Pokemaniac G. !!aeRs1nZGN4j
http://pastebin.com/L35imkKy http://pastebin.com/s5sad1EE The second link contains a talking Virizion. Both stories are NSFW. The second link contains Pokemon x Human, the first contains a mention of it.
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>>28628036 We are all in a perpetual state of procrastination. We'll all feel ashamed together.
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>>28630352 >not actually writing the pokephilia part Anonymous
Idea: A girl comes from a family of Top Coordinators. The mansion they live in has entire rooms dedicated to the trophies her sisters and mother have won. Everyone wants her to become a coordinator the same way her sisters and every other relative are. The day she is supposed to go on her journey with a paid mentor she runs away with one of her childhood friends and decides to become a pokemon trainer with her Umbreon.
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>>28630010 Why translate it?
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>>28632631 You have an idea. Now flesh it out.
Would you guys be willing to look over some stuff I'm working on for a tabletop game region? Or would that be another sort of thread, since this is for fanfics, not fan-regions?
>>28630010 ¿Por qué traducirlo, ciertamente? El Español es un glorioso idioma.
>>28634459 Post a pastebin and it might get looked over. I'm interested, but at work so if you're willing to wait most of the day I can look it over when I get home.
>>28634592 Idioma gloriosa, Choroy. Ya mero estabas ahi.
God willing I will post the oneshot I mentioned last thread today. Super editing mode GO
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>>28634693 Oh, I've far outstripped the capabilities of a pastebin. I'm just wanting to get a readover and quality check on the gdoc, when I've gotten it a little more finished.
Should be posting new chapter soon. Fairy types and dragons are challenging to write in combat since I enjoy my descriptive battle sequences. It's a problem that derives from mechanics. Immunity to a type can read as bland unless there's some degree of spice. I'm working on making the resistance/immunities of pokemon more engaging for a reader. Showing the various degrees of resistance a pokemon would have innately compared to a battle-trained mon requires a bit of creativity for instance. Trying to make the effects of moves jump out as interesting takes on the type chart is what I'm aiming for - especially if it is plot related. Of course, literature is not the games so there is definitely more latitude.
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>>28635074 >>28635074 >Immunity to a type can read as bland unless there's some degree of spice. Depends on what you mean by immunity. There's ways and ways to do it depending on how you spice it, yes. Movie 12 for example had Arceus change types and then attacks aimed at him were kind of, teleported int nothingness, it was an interesting concept even if it wasn't used for anything. I'm not sure how the various anime series and shorts deal with type immunity.
I don't think the contrast between Dragon type and Fairy type is too if any hard to write about. Dragons are creatures of might, they might have the Dragon type to assist them in things but they are otherwise just nature's bestest, amped up to eleven. Claws, fangs, tail, what have you. Your Clefable might be smug thinking that it can No Sell the incoming Dragon Claw from a Druddigon, and in fact it is likely that will happen tht the Dragon-type energy of the attack will just bounce off the Clefable's skin or something, but the *kinetic* energy of a powerful mass of muscle going claw first is still a different thing and the Druddigon is going to tear quite a hole into your Clefable's innards for a lot of blood to spill out from, for example.
If anything, it's Poison immunity by Steel types that might be weirder to deal with because that depends on how do you interpret eg.: Steel-type organics, like Lucario, versus machine-types like Magnemite.
>>28634798 Which one is that?
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>>28637719 Maybe I didn't explicitly mention it. It stars my boi Scraggy
I kinda want to write the Team leaders rap battling each other, but I don't think I could do the concept justice
>>28641815 How good are you with rhyming and dissing?
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>>28644392 I'm good with cadance and rhyming but not great with the creative putdowns and not sure I can do the complex inter-line flow
>>28625469 Is this gonna be some sort of case study on what happens when you
literally forget to cherish?
The emotional to physical suffering ratio is skewed too far towards physical, seems like that's about to change.
Look out Panne, he's left behind a forgotten life once (twice?) before. Seriously though, do be careful how much you beat on your characters, physically or emotionally. Too much, too often will leaving readers numb to it. I think you may have pushed the treks of misery a bit too hard between both stories.
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>>28645907 Ech, it is time for emotional misery anyway. There isn't much more heavy exertion scheduled throughout the rest, I've really gotta focus hard on dialogue and how the characters develop and interact from this point on. Most everything that's happened up to this point was my way of snaking over to THIS story, so bittersweet is the most important flavor of the chest pains I have to master.
panne going full angst now sounds pretty appealing IMO depending on how entertaining it is
>Mimiga's emotional crusade against special doggos and phoxes continues
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>>28646714 I don't think she'd be the kind go maximum hopeless, though. Disheartened to an intense degree, sure, but Val didn't fucking die or anything. He's still with them physically, and though in some ways that just makes it worse, everything is not lost.
>>28646782 Cherish is most important rule of life in all senses.
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i wanna see someone try to take advantage of val's lack of memory and panne getting super mad about it
>>28648087 What exactly is this image showing me? Are those her wing joints?
>>28648157 I can't translate the moonrunes on the bottom, but it looks to me like Latias is irritated over someone getting gropey with the base of her wings.
>>28648157 The artist is drawing your eye downward to teach you the basics of equalities: "4 = 4 = 4 =4"
>>28648198 >the base of her wings is an erogenous zone That's...odd. I think?
>>28649095 Apparently for some people armpits are an erogenous zone, so there's stranger things for precedent I guess. Not a view I subscribe to, but I haven't been thinking about how to get Latias aroused.
>>28648984 >This is actually why she's upset >Fundamentals of mathematics offends Latias cge0361 !Xatu./qcKY
>>28649153 >I haven't been thinking about how to get Latias aroused. Too many chapters ahead of where you're at so far?
>>28649286 >Too many chapters ahead of where you're at so far? I will not confirm nor deny if any such scenes are planned
RAFO traipsingexodus
>>28649153 I remember reading that Mistball fires glassy down or something, and that always put me under the impression that Latias feels like a jet plane, not some fluffy thing.
Then her and Latios got their megas and my hunch was all but confirmed.
>>28649340 I'm actually going to go into some of the structure of said down a couple chapters from now, and with only one section from Michael's perspective I haven't really been able to touch on how she feels from the narrative's perspective except that they're not stiff like scales, but right now I'm operating on her basically being almost bird-like. Not poofy-fluffy, but not smooth-skinned. This is mostly because I am a simple person with simple mental associations: down = feathers = burd
cge0361 !Xatu./qcKY
>>28649330 >plan She likes lighthouses. Maybe he could cosplay a lighthouse to get her squishy.
>>28649340 The dex says she she's covered in downy feathers, though, so she should feel fluffy, or at least soft.
>>28649394 Sounds pretty neat there chummer.
Should've made her a borb instead. >>28649425 Odd, all I saw in the dex entry was glassy-down feathers. Or glass-like feathers. I guess what that was supposed to imply was downy feathers with the same kind of shiny/transparent quality of glass, not you know, fiberglass feathers.
Fuck fiberglass. Two fucking summers I installed fucking fiberglass, fuck that noise. !Ee4ee/vYmA
>>28649421 >Maybe he could cosplay a lighthouse to get her squishy. >Filename >A condom with a glowing tip How could it possibly fail
>>28649470 >Should've made her a borb instead. I went into this planning on giving her some behaviors like that but along the way they got lost in translation I guess.
>>28649470 The dex doesn't outright say how the feathers feel. Either the feathers really do feel smooth like glass, or maybe they're actually soft but have the properties of glass. The dex does say that the down refracts light, so perhaps calling her feathers "glass-like" just means they have the properties of glass. I guess since there's no official explanation, you can interpret it however you want.
But I prefer to think she's soft because that's more conducive to hypothetical snuggling cge0361 !Xatu./qcKY
>>28649538 >A condom >How could it possibly fail Wallet friction.
>>28649667 >soft but have the properties of glass That's fiberglass bud. And trust me, there's nothing cuddly about it. Fluffy and pink (or whatever innocent color they've chosen for the thing) becomes itchy and fucking infuriating really god damn fast. Only way around it is if the feathers weren't as fragile as fiberglass, because ultimately that's what fucks you. The fibers break and embed themselves in your skin and then it's time for an incredibly unpleasant few hours in a hundred degree dust-filled attic.
>>28649776 Always remember to properly store your condoms, readers! Alternatively, seek the miracle known as hormonal contraceptive injection.
>>28649980 I don't know much about fiberglass, so I wasn't trying to say Latias has feathers made of the stuff.When I said "soft but with the properties of glass", I wasn't thinking about fiberglass, I was thinking more about her feathers possessing the"refracting light" part of glass. Otherwise they're just normal feathers.
Although, now that I think about it, it's an interesting bit of Pokemon biology headcanon to think that Latias really doeshave what basically amounts to fragile fiberglass for feathers, which she could shedas a defense mechanism. After all, Mist Ball is described as pretty much just a glob of her feathers thrown at the enemy, and it does 70 damage. With that in mind, maybe her feathers really are organic fiberglass.
Also, I apologize if this talk of fiberglass is causing any kind of PTSD, or made you hate Latias for all eternity due to the potential that she's made of fiberglass.
>>28650581 Nah mate, no worries. I don't hate the Pokemon (although her Mega made me seriously question whoever designed it) I just hate fiberglass.
I'm sure that she and Latios are perfectly huggable, as a Pokemon being a fiberglass elemental would be absolutely cruel. Then again, maybe not unheard of - some pokemon are made of magma after all.
Feathers that just appear to be made of glass honestly sounds pretty awesome. Individual ones would be a treat to hold up to light sources.
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>>28650653 you would just need to hug and pet it with a firefighter's suit
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>>28650653 >Individual ones would be a treat to hold up to light sources. as Michael will find out, and then get all sorts of fun ideas from
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Bedtime Bampen
Male Florges
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Sorry guys I was really REALLY busy with stuff but I'll post a preview when I'm not busy