>>28652139>What is your favorite Pokemon? Giratina.
>How did it become so? Well, Platinum is until today my favorite, and the best moment for me was when Giratina appeared from that portal at the Spear Pillar, also, the Distortion World was really amazing too... But mostly, I like Dragons, and I like Ghosts, them both in one being? There's no way I wouldn't like that Hell Centipede.
>Did you have others before it?Indeed I had, in Gen 1 my favorites were the Abra evolutionary line (mostly because of the way Kadabra owned Ash in the anime, and how in the end he couldn't actually beat it to get the badge) and in Gen 3 was Shedinja (obtaining method), Cradily and Mawile (didn't had any reason, just liked, but after the Megas, I like Mawile even more).
>Are you content with it as it currently is?Yep, don't have any complains.
>What, if anything, would you want for it?Humu, maybe an Primal Reversion (or Mega), that would make it more sinister.
That's it, sorry for the long post.