>>28670191Or maybe you just have your own preconceived notions about what the end result of these starters should be.
I'm kinda sick of people bitching about starters. Every fucking time its always "THAT LOOKS STUPID, WHY CAN'T IT BE THIS!" Nobody gives a shit what you think. Chances are if you could design a better Pokemon you wouldn't be on 4Chan bitching about them.
And fuck off with that "a lot of girls!" shit. Just because a design is somewhat feminine does not mean it was made to appeal to females specifically. Maybe the designers thought it was a nice change of pace from the "angry hulking beast" stereotype that starters seem to always fall into.
Your sole reasoning for their designs being a bad idea is that "not everyone likes them" and "we wanted a quadruped fire fire starter!", essentially the same shit we have heard for years. Not everyone likes them goes without saying, no design is without dissent, and as for the quadruped thing... I do not know a single person who honestly wanted a quadruped fire starter. I can understand a change of pace from the fighting type rutt, but what would a quadruped design add to the table? You can't create very many versatile designs with quadruped animals, or at least, its much harder to do so. Notice how a majority of the fan evolutions look relatively similar. Large cat with fire and maybe volcano like aspects. quadruped designs simply limit what you can do with a pokemon's design, that's the simple truth. There are really only few things you can do on four legs;
1. a horn of some kind, think absol.
2. something on your back, like Venasaur and Torterra.
3.a tail quirk.
4. overly large teeth/claws.
These four are essentially the base for quadruped pokemon unless you add some sort of quirk to them, for example, Sylveon's tentacles, or Hippowdon constantly leaking sand out of its body.
I don't really feel like going on anymore, so, TL;DR: Your comment is fucking stupid, dude.