Only problem with trainer card threads is my favourites haven't been narrowed down to just six. So I picked six from a hat.
>>28722611A pretty laid back guy who enjoys hanging with friends. Might secretly dig monster movies.
>>28722622Favourite type is ghost. Drawn to "cool" designs.
>>28722656Likes flashy things over more mundane ones.
>>28722675Likes tried and true methods over experimenting.
>>28722684Doesn't succumb to peer pressure often.
>>28722713Enjoys what he likes regardless of what others say.
>>28722739The kind of guy everyone likes, but quietly enjoys his alone time.
>>28722751Cycles up and down that one particular route a lot.
>>28722900Only knows how to jump n' shoot.
>>28722945The type to make what he likes work no matter what.
>>28722984Probably started in Gen II. Has a fondness for the quirky.
>>28722989A fan of tougher designs. Also quite jolly.
>>28723057Has a bookshelf dedicated to paranormal materials.
>>28723453Grass is their favourite type.
>>28723465Digs Metal related music genres.
>>28723490I'd probably get along with you.
>>28723584Favourite movie is How To Train Your Dragon.
>>28723666Enjoys double battles more than singles.
>>28723733Favourite generation is without a doubt Gen II.
>>28723734Likes cute things. Watches shows with all girl casts a lot.
Holy moley there are a lot of these. Continuing next post.