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Opinions on Sun and Moon so far?

No.28750974 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start.

Positive opinions

>Actually makes use of the 3D graphics with a beautiful looking World. Despite being 3D, Gen 6 still felt very “blocky", but Sun and Moon are going all out and everything we've seen of the world so far looks stunning.

>Customization looks way better. Like, waaaaaayyyy better.

>Music so far is fantastic. Personal favourites currently are Gladion’s encounter theme, Team Skull Battle theme and the Trainer Battle theme.

>HM’s have finally gone and fucked off. THANK GOD. Now I can actually train a full team of 6 without wasting move/party slots.

>Story appears to be picking up again after Gen 6 fucked it all up.

>Almost all of the Pokemon so far are looking great

Negative Opinions

>Of course I can't say it for sure, but it appears the games will be easy again and there is absolutely no sign of Challenge mode returning.

>Island challenge seems like a worse version of Gym battles with less Battling and more fetch quests.

>UB’s look awesome, but it appears we won't even be able to catch and use them.

>Despite saying “It all comes together" Z Moves and Alolan forms are so far only being given to Gen 1 Mons even though XY did enough genwun pandering of its own. I doubt Gens 4 and 5 will get any real love.