okay faggots, disclaimer. I'm doing this statistic with pen and paper, and despite double checking take all values I give you with an error of roughly +-2, so don't start bitching when the number of pokemon doesn't add up.
I divided the eye shapes in 6 Categories:
NP: non-cuirclular, plain: includes pokemon like Graveler, Golbat, Meowth, Primeape.
* eyes are NEVER circlular in shape, at best oval with some definite corner.
* no pupil/iris: a simple slit, line or similar. Light effects optional.
* ALWAYS has eye white
ND: non-circular, detailed: included wartortle, pidgey, Golduck
* pupil has some form of detail (being generous), iris required.
* NEVER completely circular in shape.
* ALWAYS has eye white
CD: circular detailed, Goldeen.
* as ND, except the eye is ALWAYS quite circular in shape.
B: Bug eyed, Pikachu, but also Paras and Venonat.
* usually no eye white, or eyes that are circular eyes that are too plain to be CD.
* If it has a pupil, it's just circle in circle, usually no real detail.
* also includes all compound eyes and the like.
P: plain; slowpoke & magnemite
* usually a white circle and a black dot.
E: Emoji eyes; Gloom, Diglet, Cleffairy. Ditto
* all eyes that are along the lines of =), ^^ , ><, :), @_@ ...
NIL: no eyes.
I'll be back later with the results.