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Possible 4/10 info

No.28792366 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I think the next batch of news we will get will be new Alola forms and new captains. We've seen 10 new Alola forms, with 5 different primary typings - grass, electric, fire, dark and ice. We have also met 4 trial captains who specialize in four typings - grass, water, electric and fire. We've already seen that Kiawe has his own Marowak, so I think each trial captain will get a signature 'mon and (at least) 1 Alola form. So Sophocles will have Alolan Raichu, Kiawe will have Alolan Marowak and Mallow will have Alolan Exeggutor.

So I think perhaps we will get a new water primary type Alola form and a new group of captains for a different island. 1 of the new captains will be a dark expert and will have Alolan Rattata/Raticate. 1 of the captains will be ice expert and get Alolan Sandshrew/slash and Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales.