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Do you want/need more leaks on pokémon sun moon ?

No.28799001 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello everyone, I have got some reveals about Pokémon Sun ans Moon, you can trust me or not (there are son many fakes, I can't blame you).

- On the bottom of the chinese riddler's pokémon list, there are obviously the old gen pokémon returning in Sun and Moon, but the riddler forgot one of them.

- There are 378 entries in the regional dex (new and old pokémon). The ultra beasts can't be found in the pokedex.

- Samson Oak gives you Johto starters at the first meeting and Kanto starters in post-game.

- If you are fast enough, you can take a picture of Solgaleo or Lunaala with pokéfinder before battling them.

- Drampa is the only four stage pokémon, it's a gimmick with a baby first stage (normal type only), a young second stage, an adult third stage (level 35) and Drampa as the old fourth stage (level 44).

- For japanese players, an event for Christmas will allow you to catch Solgaleo in the Moon version and Lunaala in the Sun version.