>>28805997How about this: no
I didn't even make this thread, but I'm fucking sick of seeing gardevoir threads pop up and IMMEDIATELY get shitposted into oblivion. It's fucking ridiculous. I don't care how autistic the fanbase is, constantly filling threads with bullshit is never the answer.
There's a pokegirl thread up RIGHT NOW that's explicitly sexual and it's not being treated the same. There's usually a pokegirl thread up.
This fucking double standard shit needs to stop. I'm not the one breaking rules, and neither is the person who made this thread.
>well unwritten rules!No. You and other posters don't get to determine what the fuck I do and do not post, the board rules do. Anything sexual in these threads? Obviously against the rules. But that's not what happens a large amount of the time, these threads just receive blanket shitposting for no reason.