>>28814837I just pick whichever one I think is the cutest and hope it evolves into something cool (sadly it doesn't always work this way)
on replays I already know what the other 2 are so I pick whichever one I like more
my choises were:
>Squirtle>Charmander>BulbasaurI usually choose Squirtle when replaying RBY/FRLG
>Cyndaquil>Totodile>I've never picked Chikorita even though I've replayed gen2 and its remakes countless timesI pick Cyndaquil like 80% of the time
>Mudkip>Torchick>Treeko each one in the game with the respective colorI've never replayed those games, only played each once, didn't even bother with the remakes
>Turtwig>Chimchar>Piplupwhen replaying DPPt I pick Chimchar 50% of the time(tfw no fire types in sinnoh), Turtwig 30% and Piplup 20% of the time
>Tepig>Oshawott>SnivyEmboar disappointed me, Samurott amazed me and Serperior is kinda meh
I haven't really replayed gen 5, but I've played through every game once, Oshawott is the only one I picked twice
>Chespin>Froakie>haven't replayed XY yetGreninja is my favorite one for sure, I was disappointed with Chesnaught but he kinda grew on me
Overall only gen 1 and 4 have been 100% for me when it comes to starters, 2 and 3 are both 67% and 5 and 6 are at 33%
I absolutely love Torterra and Typhlosion, they're definitely my favorites
I also like all the water starters (although that may change if transmermaid is real)
I don't really box my starters unless I'm bored of them, I have a rotating team or I just want to try something else