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No.28830535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who /waiting a week after release/ here? That is, people who didn't preorder and aren't buying the games until they have a set amount of info uncovered? For me I need to meet several criteria before I even think about forking over money to Game Freak:

- MUST exceed the paltry 70 new mons of X and Y
- Post game content of some sort, doesn't even have to be a battle frontier just something substantial
- I must know all the new Pokémon barring any mythicals or legendaries tucked away inside
- Retarded trail mix eoute (1 new Pokemon + 9 old pokemon) kept to a minimum
- I must know what moves they learn upon leveling up and if they're shitmon tier or not

I'm not going into this blindly. I got burned in X and Y badly, I am not making the same mistake twice.