>>28874410Why is changing your genitals "mutilation" while breast enhancement and similar body modifications aren't? It's just surgery. It's not like they're doing it themselves, they get proper anethesia and skilled doctors to work on them.
Well, unless their country's climate prevents it, then, maybe they have no choice but to go to a back alley clinic, like how during Prohibition people who wanted to drink had to go to a speakeasy, or how people who want to buy sex with a prostitute have to jump through so many hoops to do so. Restricting what people can or can't do when it effects no one except for the customer is fucking retarded.
>>28874488The VAST MAJORITY of trans people, who themselves are a minority, identify as the gender they weren't assigned at birth. Yes, some do identify as a "woman in a man's body" or nonbinary or something. But not nearly enough to justify having that many options. At most there should be either a third protag choice that has they/them pronouns (Japanese and Korean have non-binary personal pronouns that aren't disrespectful like "it" is, have for millenia, and singular they/them is the closest approximation), or the default choice is between starting with boyish clothes or girlish clothes, and you choose whether you like being called a boy, girl, or they/them, and you can change to any clothing in-game.
I see no issue with allowing options. But forcing in identities most people don't know exist or believe "tumblr invented" in spite of existing since the 70s at the latest doesn't make sense. It's like demanding that there be, specifically, a giraffe Pokemon without a chain-chomp tail. It's super specific and is something that should be considered a commodity, not a necessity.
tl;dr - Don't put in additional gender identities, just choose what among three pronouns people will refer to you with, and have people who would call you "boy/girl" just "kid" and stuff.