>>28947384I'd pull her pant legs up to the hight of her panties to uncover her bare hairless legs. With her pants up high, I'd tighten her pant waist by pulling the support strings out until she begs me to stop. Then I'd tie the strings in place while the pressure is extremely tight around her slim waist. Then I'd lay her down and lift up her legs and push them apart as far as I can. With this tremendous pressure on her waist, even the slightest spreading should cause her tremendous pain. I'd expect her to scream with pain at this point, however, I'd keep her legs pried completely open ignoring her pleas for mercy. Once her legs are spread, I'd tie her ankles to boards in the air in order to free my hands. With pants up, pants tied, legs spread, and ankles bound, I'd proceed to ready my cock. As her continuous stream of screams pours out I'd close my eyes and stroke my cock. I imagine it would not take long for me to reach full erection. When the oh so familiar feeling of upcoming ejaculation arrives, I'd position myself in front of her pants. Taking aim, I'd allow one squirt of semen to drop onto her pants, one squirt of semen to flow down her left leg, and one squirt of semen to flow down her right leg. As the semen from each leg flows down they will eventually reunited with the single squirt on her pants. By this point it will be time to release her ankles from the board so her legs can slap together and squish the cum between her bare thighs. I imagine she would be glad to know that I no longer had any sexual interest in her. Leaving her to clean up the mess, I'd walk away, proudly, with cock in hand.