[Girafarig/Slugma/Skarmory/Marill/Wobbs/Natu/etc/etc] is gen III. Bug/Psychic is a type that some pokémon has. Ice is weak to Ground. Tortunator's tail is its penis. Gallade's cheek stuff is its mouth. Carvanha's mouth isn't visible - that's just the pattern of its skin. (And, while we're at it: Carvanha looks cool.) Forretress is forgettable. Floatzel is ugly. Hitmonlee isn't. It isn't worth going out of your way to find the 'mon that you want. Huntail > Gorebyss. Clefable is stupid, and I'll never use one. I'm going to use Rowlet.
>>28973794Rock is SE against ice. Ice is neutral against rock.
The confusion might come from all the rock/ground niggers in Kanto. Ice is SE against ground, so it's SE against rock/ground.