>>29003405>ignore all babiesCompletely ignoring the existence of baby Pokemon would remove these Pokemon from LC:
>Pichu>Cleffa>Igglybuff>Togepi>Tyrogue>Smoochum>Elekid>Magby>Azurill>Wynaut>Chingling>Bonsly>Mime Jr.>Happiny>Munchlax>Riolu>MantykeThis would definitely ruffle some feathers, especially for losing some B- and C-tier memeteam favorites like Munchlax, Elekid, and Riolu. However, this change would also put these Pokemon into LC:
>Pikachu>Clefairy>Jigglypuff>MarillI really like this idea, to be honest. The baby stages of these four in particular are complete trash in LC and are not even ranked in tier lists, but this would hopefully give these four evolutionary lines some much-needed representation.
Seeing fan favorites like Pikachu and Jigglypuff in LC would also be cool.>remove any pokemon that only have a crossgen evolutionThis excludes these Pokemon from LC:
>Onix>Lickitung>Tangela>Scyther>Porygon>Aipom>Yanma>Murkrow>Misdreavus>Gligar>Sneasel>NosepassIf we treat Pokemon with baby evolution stages as basic stage Pokemon instead, this also excludes these Pokemon:
>Chansey>Electabuzz>Magmar>Togetic>RoseliaMany of these Pokemon are already banned in LC, but I think I understand your idea. Since these Pokemon typically have base stats higher than the rest of the Pokemon in the format, they end up getting banned anyway, so a rule to exclude them in the first place makes sense.
I actually kinda like it. Smogonfags would never go for it because muh nostalgia, though.
>"the format doesn't need rule changes, we just need to ban more effectively">"changing the rules just to replace shitty and unused pokemon with better ones is a bad idea">"I really like my C-tier meme mons tho, togepi was so good one time when my opponent was a complete retard"